(Most-Wanted) Features

My top 3 most wanted would be

Edit pending transactions
Bank logos/info in spending and committed spending lists
An accounts section view that groups accounts by Bank

Hi thanks for the reply.

So what I mean is this:

The Amex at the bottom is a credit card but hasnā€™t been picked up as excluded. The nationwide is as well but is picked correctly that it should be excluded.

Itā€™s interesting ā€¦ the recent transactions screen doesnā€™t show the Amex transaction for some reason. I have to go through Accounts to see the transaction that came out of the account. :face_with_monocle: Iā€™ve compared the nationwide and Amex transactions and it seems nationwide Has a linked payment while Amex does not have a linked payment! Could that be the issue?


For receipts being pinned to a transaction, could we have a way of giving the app read only access to particular purchases for example if the app had read only access to my Amazon account, have an API to generate a digital receipt ?

A live section updating users of integrations being tested/soon to be integrated.


A traffic light system could be cool for this? Red canā€™t integrate yet, Amber in the process, etc? :vertical_traffic_light:

Or even a simple :+1:, :crossed_fingers:, :-1: next to each integration?


Traffic light system - perfect!

Can you reach out to me via chat regarding this? We can get it solved over there :wink:

A tab to show credit utilisation percentages across multiple credit cards would be cool.

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ā€¢ LINE OF BEST FIT (Tangent) for graphical summary

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Do you mean the graphs on the accounts tab?

The lines already represent fitted lines to some extent. They are smoothed versions of the underlying trace - probably via a moving average or polynomial fit.

Tangents fitted to these would represent instantaneous rate of change - how quickly your balance is changing - not a best fit.

@edoardomoreni would be cool if an toggle was implemented between Net Value to Debt to income Ratio, would be handier if people are using your platform to get out of debt :slight_smile:

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To boot :wink: the App Store and the website doesnā€™t have the up to date UI in the images :slight_smile: could we have a refresh :crazy_face:??

@edoardomoreni andā€¦ pending transactions :slight_smile: I use the app to split shopping bills, understandably canā€™t do it whilst a transactions pending, by the time itā€™s settled Iā€™d have no point to document it :nerd_face: so where Iā€™m getting at is, is there a way for pending transactions to be organised and categorised, if the transaction does change can you make a rule at your end to delete the transaction including the amendments so it doesnā€™t make it mess up the analytics. Orā€¦ add an exemption option to particular pending transactions so you could declare itā€™s defiantly not going to change and it will definitely go through, covers every bodies arses then :blush:

Have a read of thisā€¦

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Crikey :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: had no idea this was going on for so long :flushed: Iā€™ll be a more in-depth read and get back to you :nerd_face:

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Having a read through, I know this may sound really basic, canā€™t we just have a PIN or bookmark function for transactions so you can set it aside until the transactions complete, like if I had a list of pinned transactions so I can quickly come back to it, surely would be outside the API ? @antonio Hi Antonio not spoke much before :joy: thought Iā€™d tag you to get your view :thinking:

So youā€™d have a list of all your transactions, and you could almost tick which ones you needed to come back and re-categorise etc?

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YES ! thatā€™s exactly it! :partying_face: pending transactions , hit like a star, create a pending transaction reminder tab or a way to set a copy of the transaction aside until it clears :nerd_face: this is what I meant on the CSV Exportation thread :laughing:

Itā€™s a cool idea!

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Thank you :nerd_face: