(Most-Wanted šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§) integrations

Amazon (New Day) Is now working on Google Pay. In Emma soonā„¢?

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sainsburyā€™s Integration

Only a couple more integrations left for me. Though pretty sure none of these will happen anytime soon, as the providers have made it clear they have no plans.

  • Freetrade
  • Moneybox
  • NS&I
  • Halifax Mortages

My other nice to haves would be credit rating integration


NS&I state on their corporate strategy page that they will have embraced open banking by 2021.


Are there any plans to integrate services and utilities such as O2 and E.on though Iā€™m guessing these wouldnā€™t fall under open banking apiā€™s the Emma is looking to maintain ?

Not in the short term, although the use case would be quite nice. :slight_smile:

Just worked like a charm for me. Very quick.

Out of interest, are you on Android and, if so, what browser are you using to direct from the Sainsburyā€™s app or website back to Emma?

Would there be a possibility to have a dedicated section in app for current and pending integrations, as at the moment it only shows investment companies which donā€™t have an API.


I think this probably comes down to how much work it would take to maintain!

A list of the integrations Emma is actively working on would be helpful.

I do wonder how many people go from the unsupported collections in Emma to twitter and actually post

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Yes! I completely agree! if there was a way to submit a request in app, with the name and twitter handle and have a live vote where users can vote, it would also give users an idea of prioritisation.


Itā€™s possibly even starting to be the other way round.

I really like dozens, for example, but thereā€™s no chance Iā€™ll be using them day to day until they hook up with Emma/develop an API - I want my existing budgeting in Emma, not a whole new system in dozens.

I think disaggregation is the way forward with things like Emma doing the number crunching and other companies delivering the servicesā€¦

So yeah, dozens would be a great integration, though how they do that with spend, grow and invest, I donā€™t know :man_shrugging:


Am on iOS and works for me now

This is the reason Iā€™m not using Jaja credit card as main non-Amex credit card and am instead using one from an established bank which has had open banking for a while even though the transactions are not instant.

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Iā€™d also like an update on the ETA for Amazon integration.

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I donā€™t know if this is any help, could it be possible to integrate with curve, using NewDay as an example , if you use your NewDay card through curve, it produces analytics based on each card, it would essentially fill the gap whilst, native integrations and requests are pending.

This was a praised post on the Curve Community site Which was left by one of their moderators, itā€™s essentially a guide on making your own API.

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Curve Integration

Another vote for John Lewis. There just no point in going pro til itā€™s available.


Would love to see the amazon credit card in Emma
Not sure how popular that card is tho


It will be available once New Day support is available, which is due to be soon!

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How do we refresh Nutmeg connections to take advantage of the log-in via Open Banking integration?

Nutmeg recently announced their Open Banking integration, tagged Emma in a reply which I thought I saw Emma retweetā€¦but the next day, the original tweet and replies seem to have disappeared and replaced by this one.

Whatā€™s the current status? Do we just need to wait for Emma to do the integration through Truelayer in the next app update?

No idea about this.

For nutmeg, we just use their API - FYI, we donā€™t use Truelayer anymore - we are completely independent.

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