Introduce yourself 👋

Sure am and I’m about to take my daily walk ha ha. I do sometimes wear gloves though as nobody wants cold fingers when you have to type so much!!

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Hey Jason, welcome! I am kinda jealous. :slight_smile:

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Wow, now you’re warm blooded if you’re in London with 7°C (44°F) days and sleeping with the windows open!

It’s still relatively very nice in California for December at 65°F (18°C) today. We try to keep the heater setting as low as we can handle at 61°F (16°C). But I’m work in the south-facing side of the house (which we keep closed off from the rest of the colder part of the house) and the temp is closer to 70°F (21°C), but I’ve still got on long pants, and 3 layers of shirts (about to take the top-layer long-sleeve shirt off as I’m almost getting too warm). But I can go for a walk without a jacket, so this is a really “warm” winter day.


I never used to be like this. In elementary school I wore sweaters and trousers in summer ha ha.

I’ve not taken many hot holidays as I don’t manage the heat well but a couple of years ago 10 of us went on a cruise and I loved some of the hot weather (not all of it).

I’m now looking for some winter sun in Jan, Feb, and March. I have 3 weeks of holiday to take before April and want to get winter sun each month.

Some winter sun sounds amazing! Any idea on destinations?? :sunny:

None yet, suggestions on a postcard!


Apologies for mis-posting, but hiding content seems an in appropriate response.

Thinking about this it is simpler if I remove the App and cancel the account.

I was pointing out what must have been clearly bugs with the app

It’s important for others using the community to ensure the content is on topic, according to the community guidelines.

There is the #help area for bugs and also #feedback too :slight_smile:

Hi everyone! I’m Christina, an Emma user for the past 6 weeks.

To summarise myself:

Management consultant :business_suit_levitating:
Tech geek :woman_technologist:
Ramen queen :ramen:
Dog mum :dog:
Explorer :hiking_boot:


Welcome @christinatan - I’ve never tried ramen :-/ am I missing out?

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Welcome to the Emma Community @christinatan! :wave:

You definitely need to try it! This place near TCR is pretty good - pre covid there was always a queue for a table but think you can get it delivered now if you’re in London?

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Thanks Jase! And yes, I think everyone needs to try it at least once - not just the instant ramen, but fresh ones too. Rebekah’s suggestion, Kanada-Ya, is one of my favourite ramen places in London!

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Thank you both. And being a fussy vegetarian (no mushrooms!!!) do you have them with sauce or veggies? I’ll see if that place is still open for takeaway :wink:

Oooo ok if you don’t eat meat and you don’t like mushrooms then maybe don’t go to Kanada Ya haha - from what I can remember their vegetarian ramen is very mushroomy :sweat_smile:

It’s the norm :frowning: that and goats cheese! Neither of which I can stand :wink:

Hi everyone.

I’m Leonardo, Emma user since December.

:it: in London
:bar_chart:Marketing Analyst
:moneybag: personal finance nerd
:basketball: basketball lover
:rocket: all things startup & tech
:books: non-fiction reading


Welcome @LeoUbbiali

It’s Jesse!

I started using Emma summer of 2020. Because what else was I gonna do? :smiley:

I’m a people manager at a giant search engine. My favorite thing to do is help people, so my job is awesome! Other things I like:

:canada: Canada (I’m a US citizen, but living here for work)
:guitar: Was a professional musician a lifetime ago
:racing_car: I love all things cars
:child: :child: :child: :child: :child: :child: I have six children, grade 3 to age 21 :sweat_smile:
:sushi: :cupcake: :hamburger: :pizza: :chocolate_bar: I absolutely LOVE food

The Emma platform is amazing. I love the attention to detail, like being able to use the twitter icon for merchants, the variety of usable connected accounts like binance and other crypto exchanges, and the flexibility to use bi-weekly budgets.

Finally, sorry @Joel for filling up your queue. :joy: RBC is finally playing nice!


6 children?! I want a big family but my fiancé has put his foot down.

Welcome @jessethouin :slight_smile:

Heyyy @LeoUbbiali & @jessethouin

Welcome to the Emma Community!! :rocket: