Emma 3.0 Designs

Sounds like this could just be solved with some nice onboarding steps for new users.

We can definitely test this :slight_smile:

Swiping has been lost in analytics. Eg if I open a category for this month, Iā€™m sure I used to be able to switch between months within the category (at least with tapping?), whereas now I need to go back or and select the month. Makes month on month comparison tricky!

What is the logic for order of accounts and categories?

Accounts appear seemingly in random order eg in

Cash/Debt etc within each of the account lists
Smart rules creation
Split transaction category dropdown

Definitely keen on a favourites/starred feature, but just the ability to reorder accounts (like chase!) would be great too.

You can still do this in Analytics.

For budgeting, we can add it back.

Yes - sorry. It works under Analytics breakdown but not under Category budgets

Posted the following in another thread - itā€™s a general suggestion, but was prompted by the app re-design

Thereā€™s an old feature I used to find helpful, especially when trying to improve my credit score and tackle debt. A progress bar showing credit utilisation on credit cards with %age used.

Where was this?

This was quite a while back, but was underneath each credit card. Unless Iā€™m getting mixed up with another platform.

I think you are. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Team, I was wondering if there has been any development on this topic which was raised some time ago? Thank you!


Shame, could swear it was on here. Worth looking into if itā€™s possible to add to any feature wish list

Hey, loving the design feels cleaner and smarter when using the app. A few points from me:

(1) One small, but important thing, I think is how ā€œcashā€ is defined on the dashboard. This includes savings. Whereas I think cash should be like everyday money for spending on groceries, entertainment, bills etc. Whereas ā€œsavingsā€ I think should be an entirely separate category. The idea is to save this money over a period of time, not spend it. So seeing it lumped in with cash I think is unhelpful for buying better money management skills. I feel thatā€™s extra important with the cost of living pressures everyone is under at the moment.

(2) the underlying issue with reading transaction data from Starling ā€˜Spacesā€™ is still there so spending data from a seperate space is lost entirely.

(3) getting help and setting are now buried under your ā€˜picā€™ making them less clear to find. It might be helpful to have a standard gear icon for these settings instead of your pic so itā€™s easier to find.

(4) Dark Mode :pleading_face: please

(5) Icon for ā€˜Holidaysā€™ is strange - love heart and a ship? I think Sun / Beach Umbrella and Chair / Island and Palm Tree and more universal signs of a holiday.

(6) it would be great to be able to mass apply tags. Right now mass edit only includes categories.


Cash and Savings should be separate.

Dark Mode is a must.


I agree on Dark mode and releasing a new design with consistent components through the app was the first step. :wink:

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When creating a smart rule, it shows you the number of detected transactions, but tapping on detected transactions doesnā€™t open a screen to show you what itā€™s detected anymore.

Intentional change? Bug? Just me?

More like a bug, let me check.

I like having separate on feed too. If you choose not to enter any investment accounts into Emma it does actually keep cash and savings separate on the feedā€¦.

This is an incentive for me to avoid adding external Investment accounts, and I guess also using any Emma Invest accounts that Emma might introduce in the future.


Same for me

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