Developer API flavour

On the roadmap is developer API. Is there any early thoughts on what this might include ?

Maybe openapi ( based ?

This could get us a way to add unsupported accounts - ie on my desktop I can periodically get the account balances then push them to emma. I do this already for

Itā€™s quite far ahead on our roadmap, but would be good to know if this is the main reason youā€™d be interested in the developer API?

What other things would you love to do with an API?

Well, first thoughts -

  • Push todays account values ( for accounts not supported )
  • Pull historical values to compare via effective interest rates
  • Pull into google sheets for further manipulations / analytics
  • Push to retirement planning services
  • Import / export in json / csv formats

Some great ideas here - thanks for sharing.

You can already export to csv and then add this to excel/ Google sheets etc. Hereā€™s how - Export my data | Emma App

We have csv import on our long-term roadmap too. What kind of info could you see yourself importing?

Not via an API though, so canā€™t be automated.

One thing that would be very helpful is to prioritise / bring forward is some way to automate updating a ā€œmanualā€ balance.

This could even be reading a file from google drive once a day or something.

Iā€™m going to keep pushing on this :slight_smile:

I suggest a new account type, say ā€œcsv from google driveā€, similar to existing real accounts but -

  • Configured with csv location ( google drive is first thought but could be others such as iCloud, dropbox etc )
  • Is refreshed at the same time as other real accounts
  • File contains list of -
    • date
    • balance
    • transactions
    • maybe other info that real accounts use

This gives us a chance to download unsupported accounts statements manually and create the file. I expect we can build up a library of statement converters.

Nice thing is that this doesnā€™t impact security of account login details.

Other formats ( eg json ) is also fine if that better matches the internal structures.

I guess you might also want to consider a way for us to write our own downloaders as a emma plugin.

What would make this different to smart rules?

Smart rules is about linking manual transactions - so still manual data entry.

The proposal here is to automate data entry for unsupported banks - replace typing with regular reading of a file ( which is created/updated outside of emma ).

Iā€™d be very interested in API support if it still isnā€™t provided yet (couldnā€™t find anything from searching).

Smart rules solve part of this problem but it canā€™t automatically update the balance for an offline account when said balance grows / shrinks due to investment fluctuations.

Being able to check everything in a single place is very valuable to me so if an institution Iā€™m using isnā€™t supported then having the option to automate balance management would be incredibly helpful.

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I would love api access

One practical use case for this is when you keep split transactions in a separate app (i.e. Splitwise, Splid, Sesterce, etc). I have a manual account for the balance(s) from splitting apps, to understand my overall financial situation, less debt that is owed to me (i.e. shared household bills in our case). If I could build an API bridge to transfer these values over to Emma automatically / with one click, thatā€™d be excellent.

I know Emma also has transaction splitting options, but as discussed in the past, they really arenā€™t up to scratch compared to what else is available out there.

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+1 for this feature from me too. In fact, I am already pulling data from 2 dozen services, some through apis, some through scraping, few of which are supported by Emma

Where are you moving the data too?

A self-hosted tooljet instance is my sink. N8n handles the workflow automation for each source

Hey. I would really love an API that will allow me to push transactions to my offline accounts.

Iā€™d like to set up a service myself thatā€™ll pull balances from my ISA and CIA accounts and whenever the balance updates I would push transactions to my offline accounts in Emma.


Just a quick word to say Iā€™d be interested in the API as well.

The ability to update offline accounts, or edit transactions categories automatically from Python would be a nice feature for me.

Yes, the current way to do this in app is quite good (especially the ā€˜apply to similar transactionsā€™ aspect), however doing this via API would provide more freedom.

For example, if I wanted to change categories of every single transaction I have in one go to assign them to custom categories, Iā€™d be able to.

Data export (already mentioned in another thread) would allow to fetch/refresh data from a spreadsheet to update any graphs, pivot table etc instead of exporting the CSV.

Note: I realize the above would only be of use to a (very) small portion of your user base.


Still no ETA on the developer api but once I know more I will update you here!

Iā€™m still really eager to have some way to automatically push updated account balances/transactions to my offline accounts. This would be really good for unsupported investment accounts and pensions.

Any ideas on when this functionality may be available?

This is something I really want to do - like most of anything else in the app; but it has to wait a bit. Our biggest concern at this stage would be the adoption. :sweat: