I’ve been looking for a new budgeting/money management app after using Buxfer. I love Emma’s features and I’m keen to switch across. the only issue I have is that you don’t have a desktop version.
Do you have any plans to build a desktop version?
Hey Edoard - is there a rough targeted release date for the Mac app?
It’s on the roadmap as “next three months” but I don’t think that’s been updated for a while, and I saw above you initially targeted July. Wondered if there’s any update?
Thanks for the reply. Also, unfortunately you are not a patch on what money – dashboard offered on future planning couple with no webpage and having to pay for it makes it certainly not worth the money until you sorted those two things out. Shame
That may be so you know more than I do. It doesn’t get round the fact that their future planning tool, was exactly how it should be done, simple easy to use all there for you to see like yours, which isn’t
Thanks for the reply. Until you have that feature up and running and a webpage that one can use on a proper computer and set the silly little phone which is nowhere big enough to do anything on have to go back to the old-fashioned way of doing on a spreadsheet.
Hi, Can you see the development of the desktop version a priority yet? If not, is this likely to still be rolled out over the next 3 months as stated in the roadmap ( I appreciate timescales can change, I just wanted an idea if possible)
I’ve seen the iPad app mentioned in a number of different areas, and on the roadmap it says ‘next 3 months’, but I can also see that potentially the target build date for the iPad app has continued to move. Do you have any firmer idea of when there will be an iPad version of the Emma app? I love the app on my iPhone, but it just does not take advantage of the bigger iPad screen. Any info appreciated.
iPad is likely to come sooner than Web, we have done most of the work on the app by removing some design patterns that were not very friendly on a bigger screen, such as the purple headers.
It’s taking a while because we have got higher priorities right now (unfortunately).