What important features are we missing?

I think some people might appreciate this change in “unbudgeted spend”. :slight_smile:


Definitely needed update, can you click the item to change the category, add tags etc

Yes, you can do everything

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Perfect, very appreciated updated

One more to add to my earlier list of suggestions in this area …

Sometimes I want to focus on what annual subscriptions I have and when they are coming up. This isn’t easy in the app. It would be very helpful if the subscriptions / recurring payments screen had a filter which could be used to filter the view by frequency. Then I could (for example) choose to view all subscriptions with a yearly frequency when that’s what I’m interested in inspecting.


I know ive mentioned it a few times but category specific rolling budgets and sub categories would honestly be enough to make me a pro customer. Simply being able to set my shopping and eating out as a rolling budget as well as havinf sub sections in transport for car, public, vehicle maintenance would be incredible

Can you expand rolling budgets so we have the option of an overspend in a category then subtracting from the next month’s budget for that category? We currently only have underspends rolling over … but this would be a good way of making us spend less to make up for spending more previously. We could then splurge a category when - say - on holiday, but then pay it back gradually afterwards by spending less.

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I have been asking for category specific rolling budgets for a while now but there seems to be no push for the feature. This combined with grouped/sub categories I think would be one of the best pro features to add

Any update available?


Groups need some work from what I can see. Being able to issue payment requests (or even just reconcile income transactions from Emma) would make it more useful. Manual reconciliation of who’s paid when defeats much of the point of a groups feature for me.

More banking integrations would also be helpful. I switched to the Co-op recently (as would have many others with the ethical policy & Refer a Friend scheme) so unfortunately my usage of the app will be limited going forward.

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The reporting of data breaches is useful, feature request is to link to the source information eg LinkedIn announcement of data scraping


Yes, in terms of data breaches, there is also way more personal information tracking we can add. :slight_smile:

That’s a great suggestion Scott and definitely something we can look into integrating!

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I guess not.

It’s been a while since I’ve used Emma, so apologies if these are available (and if they are they’ll be one sign up incoming), but I thought I’d share.

I’m much less interested in month on month budgeting than most folk. I’m much more interested in backwards looking data analytics (which I think Emma has broadly got covered) and future facing projections (which I don’t think it did last time I looked).

Fundamentally, I’m after five things:

  • Period-by-period spend breakdown. Think Monzo’s Trends, but which automatically reset periods when I get paid, and where I can look at weekly, monthly, yearly, rolling or custom periods.

  • Net worth showing my wealth today, connecting automatically to APIs for my property value and for my share holdings held elsewhere. And the ability to project this by pulling forward my current monthly savings/Investments amounts, letting my tell Emma that I’ll have a big purchase coming up so to expect that etc etc.

  • Manual accounts with automation Last time I check Emma’s manual accounts (which was a while ago, forgive me), they were great in when I was just entering static amounts. The functionality to automatically update them didn’t really seem to work for me - I don’t remember why, but I remember it not being quite right. Basically, I’d like it to work something like this - especially as I use Monzo as my one account that all savings go in and out from.

  • Goals Fundamental what I’m after here is a separation between things I’m working to and the accounts in which they sit. I have money spread across investments and savings accounts and a different list of goals. I’d like to be able to tell Emma that I’m aiming for £x for retirement in y years, £n for a new kitchen next year, £p for an emergency fund etc. Then see how that all adds up against my savings. If I haven’t got enough, I’d like Emma to suggest a savings plan for me, based on the timings and my order of priorities that I could then set up myself in Monzo (or have Emma do for me via variable recurring payments).

  • Long term analysis - I’d like to see charts showing how my spending and saving has changed over years.

  • Manual import of old data - to facilitate that, I’d like to be able to import old exports from my bank accounts, something like .ofx or a standard CSV format. That way I could import data from decades ago (I now appear to be old) and analyse the data.

That’s all (I think)! If any of these are already in Emma, do shout!

Hey Peter, I have pro, so I’m not sure how many of these are pro features.

  • you can definitely do this, by setting custom ‘filter periods’ in analytics
  • no APIs for property but the ability to input custom values in and limited APIs depending on where your shares are (eg no vanguard) - but this is generally limited by the investment providers I believe
  • this does work but is hit and miss especially with monzo. The interface is improved now so you can see what your smart rules are going to detect based on previous transactions (as in, see if they are going to work). There’s some kind of issue with the way monzo displays transaction references in its api which has never properly been sorted out, but it does work with some faff
  • Emma definitely isn’t this clever. Sounds like plum or something similar is what you’re after.
  • The charts in Emma are back but I find them useless and they take up too much screen estate (they need a toggle!!). The best way to analyse spending is through the analytics as mentioned above

I don’t know about manual import.

All in all I think I (just) about get enough value to warrant a pro subscription. Hope that’s helpful!


The missing feature most limiting my use of Emma is the ability to exclude categories.

Emma’s main function for me is a month-by-month spending tracker. One big outlay (eg furniture, car insurance, new tech) completely destroys my monthly budget. But I don’t want to just exclude all my big purchases, I want to still see how much I’m spending on them without obliterating my day to day budget.

Hopefully this can be added


We have had this for 3 years? :slight_smile:

Apart from import and long term, rest is all in the app. :smiley:

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So I’ve checked out Emma again.

First thing I have to say: wow. The app looks and feels amazing. It’s really come on so far since I looked at it last. Massive congrats.

Before I hit the big old subscribe button, some questions:

Can I just set this up to specify the source account (my Monzo I’ve connected in Emma) and then destination sorry ode and account combo? Or is this information not passed over?

If there was a way of doing that, and having a feed so I can see the history of money in and out that would be fantastic!

This is a biggy for me that I can’t see in the app.

Basically I’d like to tell Emma that I’d like to have £5000 for emergencies then save £7000 for renovations. Then point it at my Santander and manual savings accounts so I can see how close I am to my goals.

I’m taking it that you can’t do that right now?

I’ll probably give a year’s subscription a go - but I think the app keeps offering me different discounts so I’ll wait until it offers me a good one!

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Back firmly on topic, an important thing missing for me is the ability to customise the Everyday/Savings/Investments/Net Worth section.

For example, I’d like to be able to split my credit cards. I have one long term 0% card that isn’t everyday spend - I’d want it as loans or debt or something. But my day to day credit card, absolutely that’s everyday.

If configurable, I’d also want to create entries for Loans, Mortgage and Assets separately, which can then all be totaled off in the Net Worth section.

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