Would it be possible for the recurring payments to be displayed by frequency (ie annual recurring payments, monthly etc etc)…would make it a bit clearer
I’d find this helpful too. Also think it would be helpful if we could configure reminders for upcoming payments based on their frequency. I don’t really need reminders for upcoming monthly payments, but I do want reminders for upcoming annual payments.
Shouldn’t be too hard to ad, will ask the team and see!
Here is an idea how to represent - example on Entertainment budget.
Full intensity from the left of bar - already spent in budget. Lighter / more opaque colour - commited, not yet spent in category, and above the black (unspent) bar, have a tick that will progress during the budgeting period, to show how under / over free uncommited spending am I.
Another small improvement - in transaction list, under the merchant, there could be the account where transaction happened mentioned - to easily see for example what account had balance change.
Both cool ideas. Will pass both of these along to the team and let you know if there’s any update on them getting implemented! Cheers
Loving the app, but I would use a lot more if we could split items or groups by % or parts, ie I paid 2/3, the other person 1/3. Thanks!
We are actually building this!
I’d like to be able to make “bulk reassignments” when transactions have been misallocated to the wrong budget. Similar to the feature that searches for similar transactions, but sometimes I just want to reassign transactions based on my own criteria (e.g. If I’ve been on holiday I might just want to reassign everything on those days to my holiday category).
This is already possible in the app?
Apologies if this has already been covered - but what I would find really useful is a way of splitting annual/quarterly payments across monthly budgets.
Eg - I make an annual payment in January to Emma - but I can’t split that across my ‘personal finance’ budget for 12 months. So I have to exclude it or it spikes that category for January.
Same goes for my TV licence - which I pay quarterly. At the moment it means my ‘Bills’ category spikes every three months, whereas I would have a much clearer picture if I could tell Emma to spread the quarterly cost across each of the three months in that quarter.
Any thoughts on that?
How? If I go in to a budget category through the budget function or to an individual account then I don’t see any ability to select multiple transactions and assign them to different categories?
- Virtual cards that let you pay direct from an Emma Pot.
This would be a real gamechanger for me. Monzo lets you set up a virtual card and pay direct from a Monzo pot.
This means for example you could put money aside in a pot, like Holiday pot, then pay directly from that pot essentially using a virtual card. This allows you to spend directly on holiday things from your holiday pot making budgeting for holidays super easy, as an example!
I haven’t set up an Emma pot yet as i use Monzo pots, but this functionality would make me much more likely to open an Emma pot! I can see virtual cards are in development in the long term - could this integration so you could use them to spend directly from pots be set up, like Monzo does! If you could spend from savings pots that would be even better…
If you tap into a budget category, you should have an edit button on the top right as per screenshot; just let me know if I got confused and you mean something else.
Hi @ScottS, thanks for posting!
To be honest, we know there are some customers that use the “split functionality to do this” and then change the dates of the splits (you can put future dates too); it’s not perfect, but it does the job.
You legend!! Totally didn’t realise that was what the edit button did. I thought it would just edit the category name. Thank you for reading the c time to get back to me. Much appreciated, and still loving the app.
Great idea. Hadn’t thought of that. Not perfect, as you say, but it will do - thank you
Thanks! I guess it’s our fault, it should be more visible.
No problem, just let us know if you have any other feedback!
Is there a reason income doesnt appear in the upcoming transaction sections? Like we have various payments which are regular and predicted which forecast our available balance - it isnt accurate as it never takes into consideration your income.