Do you use any apps out there? We’d love to get some feedback.
At this point, it’s very unlikely we’ll directly plugin into etoro, freetrade or any other service out there, so we want to give you the ability to tell us how many shares you have bought, the price and the ticker. After that, we’ll be able to track it in Emma.
I don’t buy individual stocks but being able to track my Vanguard ETFs and Index funds would be gratefully received. Currently I have to log in to the Vanguard website each time which is a little clunky.
I’ve never really used one. I think mainly because almost all my stocks/funds (in terms of total value) are on a single platform so never really felt the need for an over-the-top portfolio tracker.
This feature will be very handy given current lack of access to trading212 connection. I use the “my stock portfolio and widgets” app. It does what you plan to implement i.e set number of stocks and ticker. The main usp is the widget which is a game changer. I can basically get a quick glance from home screen.
Would we be able to buy actual stocks and have the share certificates or would this be putting on positions on stocks? I am potentially interested in both, subject to fees/charges. Thanks for clarifying.
Awesome!! I am super excited snout this I track my employee share scheme through Emma - no external app, I just keep track of the total with a manual account - but ability to add the stock ticker and number of shares and have it calculate automatically will be awesome
Yes. I have an account at Interactive Investor. It would be great to have Emma track this account, but if it’s not feasible for you to implement, having the ability for a Stocks account that can update from stock name or ticker and qty held would be great.
A watch list that doesn’t link to Net Worth would also be really useful. The ability to enter qty bought and transfer to the Stocks account would be fantastic.
Thanks for the opportunity to add to the cconversation.
That I think would be very enticing for a lot of people. I would say for your UK customer base, I’d look at Trading212, Fundsmith, HL, II, Vanguard and Free trade. I reckon that will cover off the most widely used stock and find trading platforms.
That’s my 2 cents anyway. I’m tracking manually through offline accounts, so something like this I think is going to be very well received across your current and potential user base.
Yes, cause to be honest with you guys, we have been having multiple conversations with trading apps and it’s probably easier to build stock trading than ask for an API to connect.
I currently have my Vanguard ISA and SIPP as manual accounts that I update occasionally. Will this cover funds as well or just ETFs? I’d like to be able to list which funds and the units in each under the two accounts and have that automatically update the account balances. If they all just go in one pot I wouldn’t know the split between the ISA and SIPP which isn’t ideal.