Remote Vs Hybrid Vs On-site

As I assume most of our users are in some form of employment, I wanted to ask your opinion on working remotely vs hybrid vs on-site?

Now it’s 2025, should people be returning to the office or has the work life balance of hybrid & remote shown to be more productive?

Would love to know your honest opinions!

If you can work from home there is no reason to ‘Need’ to come to the office. As long your output is of high standard and on time is all that should matter. I’m not a toddler I don’t need to be watched.

Same feeling i have about office dress code, as long as you aren’t naked or wearing something offensive come in, in pyjamas for all i care just work hard


I like this mentality. Focus on deliverables and KPI’s rather than turning up for the sake of turning up and dressing in a certain uniform etc.

At Emma, we have this strict office policy; but we are a bit funny people. :grimacing:

I genuinely love to hear from yourself why in office is mandatory. Is there any tangible benefits to the business. Then if you were to poll staff on the same questions would they agree? Be fascinating.

Yes, we are a small product team; communication and productivity are 10x. Remote works for individual contributors on very repetitive tasks imho.

If we asked staff, they’d probably say the same since we only hire onsite and they have many other options in the market.