New Subscription Plan: Emma Plus ➕

I agree with this. A) the different tiers are not clear. And b) this is getting far too expensive if Pro is going up and ultimate will be even more. I will probably be jumping ship in January and give another app a go … there’s enough out there with the features I’m looking for. I think Emma has just gone in a different direction to where I thought it was going. Shame, but it’s their choice ultimately.

What have we done that is so bad? :slight_smile:

Everything is staying the same and we are adding 3 new features to Emma Pro.

The price doesn’t even change for current subscribers.

The reason why we are adding 2 new tiers is because we want to address more demographics.

With 1 subscription only, we don’t have the same flexibility and Emma Pro already has a ton of features.

The second main reason is because we are trying to make Emma as successful as possible (meaning putting it in a position where it’s here to stay).

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And they seem to be rather investing in the marketplace model that Starling already gave up on, and hasn’t been working well for Monzo either. I understand all too well how tempting it is to develop new ‘shiny’ features and tick integrations galore, but in the real world you’d better listen to your users… especially if jacking up prices is in the works.


In principal I like the idea of having different scubscription tiers to meet peoples needs. But so far both the plus and ultimate plans are just nonsense.

The plus tier provides almost nothing of value for £5 a month (The same cost as the full subscription for an app like moneywiz who I’m definitely considering switching to). The only actual benefits over free are:

  • Turbo Updates (2x - 4x a day is likely to be irrelevant for the users who don’t also care about the pro features)
  • True Balance
  • Bill Reminders

And these are weak benefits with the actual features (like offline accounts) being held for higher tiers.

I don’t think any of these are value add features

  • Cashback - Not a bonus. Every financial app under the sun is offering cashback services in addition to TopCashback / Quidco.
  • Priority Support - Support for a paid for product isn’t really a benefit
  • Fraud Detection - This isn’t financial fraud detection and instead detailing email / password leaks. Why is a money management app offering this? Do you expect users to manually import this data only for this feature? The only people I can think of likely to do / care about this will have a password manager that already offers this.
  • Emma Plus Custom Icon - Not a real bonus

The ultimate subscription swings entirely the other way doubling the subscription price (£129) for a very small value add. It definitely feels like you decided you wanted more subscription tiers and then scraped the barrel to put features in them without ‘canabilising’ your existing pro sub members.


Unfortunately I do think I agree with you.

All of the friends I have tried to introduce Emma to have been unable to see the value for money in a pro subscription, and at my current discounted price I would only just say I see enough value from good budget planning/the satisfaction of accurate spending tracking to make it worth it for me.

Perhaps the plus subscription is intended to entice some on the fence to give it a go then upgrade to pro?

Can’t see a use case for being so concerned with budgeting you need a budgeting app but then you spend £129/year on it!

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We scraped this in the last update if you didn’t notice. :wink:

Our full focus is on subscriptions.

We have already seen this on apps like ClearScore/Experian.

We think it’s a nice touch and can add a lot of value. There are many things that don’t make sense with a money management app that we have added in Emma.

In terms of the subscriptions, the main reason why we are splitting to 3 is to address a bigger user base.

We already have great adoption with Emma Pro (17% of active users pay), we want to get to 50%.

The team is fully focused on all the 3 plans and we have more features coming in the next few weeks for all of them.

I understand why you want to achieve this and like I said in principal I think it could work.

However you have a 17% subcription rate with Emma Pro. This Tier contains almost all the core features most users (inlcuding myself) subscribe for. However this tier is becoming even more expensive (which will surely drive down adoption) and the new Emma plus tier just doesn’t provide nearly the same level of functionality / value to make it worth the subscription. I don’t see how this new low value tier and the small number of new ultimate subscribers customers is going to almost triple the active subscriber count! How many of that 17% are on promotional plans that already substantially lower the yearly cost (lower than the the new proposed pro plan?)

My personal opinion is that the plus tier needs a single high impact feature from the existing pro tier (E.g. offline accounts) that will make a free user who thought pro was too expensive jump onboard.

We are not touching existing subscribers.

We are working on high impact features. :wink:

This is actually a nice idea.

The way we were thinking this was by adding Pots and Interest via Emma Plus.

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For me, the most valuable part of emma is downloading account balances so I get to see everything in one place. So more account support is needed, and I would pay for that.

Having done a lot of this before ( API’s, scraping etc ) I understand that creating account downloads and maintaining them is a fair amount of work.

So if there were more accounts supported, maybe you could go for something like -

  • free - upto 4 accounts synced
  • pro - upto 8 accounts synced
  • plus - unlimited accounts + sync from cloud file

This is something we are considering, but for now everything is free. :slight_smile:

Syncing accounts and connecting is the most expensive process in the app.

In terms of our own “metrics”, it would have an impact with 3 free and paid above.

Is or will there be a way of paying monthly for Emma Pro as it’s a big stretch for me to make the £60 payment in one go but I’d really like to be a pro member

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We are adding the monthly subscriptions next month. :slight_smile:

Some of you might have already seen it, this is now available on Google Play for the Beta Testers. :wink:

This is slowly coming out to everyone.

Featuring new features such as Fraud Detection, Bank Transfers, Bill reminders and True Balance.

This is fully out. :slight_smile: