Hi there. I have some manual accounts in foreign currencies, e.g. Although I scrambled it to the two circled in the example are EUR and the one not circled is GBP. Hopefully a small change - could you make it so that the account symbol matches the currency please? It’s really confusing when both my foreign and non-foreign accounts have the same symbol, and would make it easier to identify which accounts are which at a glance. Thanks.
Hey @grintoul
I started a thread requesting the option to edit the symbols to match that of the account provider (via twitter handle sync):
What are your thoughts on this approach?
I think that would be even better, but I suspect it’s more complex to implement - for me, if it was the difference between having a quick and dirty fix soon and a more complex fix further off, I’d rather have something than nothing
I think this could be a bit messy.
I am very inclined to add emojis as long as you guys don’t get angry at me.
What would be messy? I’d argue that emoji’s would make it messy as it wouldn’t match current set-up.
Emoji would work great for me as I believe there’s both a Euro note and Pound note emoji (please make them available to pick from!
I think @grant.m and I have slightly different use cases though.
Anyone can cache all that data and stop paying them.
The other thing to take into account is that many institutions might not even have a twitter handle.
Hi! Just wondered, did you ever get any further with this? I still find it really confusing that all my manual accounts from different banks and regardless of currency are represented by the same £ logo.
We are going to give people the ability to use twitter logos.
Awesome! Thanks
This is why I love Emma btw (and what I tell people) - you actually listen to feedback and add features that users ask for unlike competitors
It makes sense to us to build things that people want (with limitation of course)
Let me close this topic.