Why are you arguing the suggestion of a paying (I assume) on the grounds of what’s easier?
I came on these boards thinking you guys would be fairly open considering the features you have that companies like Mint still haven’t implemented. That said, if “easier” is the motivation behind your work as opposed to “functional,” then I might as well cancel my subscription.
(Like common, EMOJIs?? What a dumb way to visually identify financial records. I was literally going to make a post suggesting you get rid of that feature in favour of something less corny, and more stylish, like the official category icons. Geez…)
Sorry to come down so hard, but this is the first post I’ve seen and it’s already left a bad taste in my mouth.
Emma has and will always have a friendly tone, so emojis are a quick and easy way to identify accounts. We do the same for categories, so it does make a lot of sense; but as always, we are more than happy to listen. 80% of the product has been built based on users’ suggestions.
I agree emojis are probably not the best way of recognising accounts, I use manual accounts feature to track spending for the accounts Emma doesn’t support - I think Twitter handle or ability to upload a picture would be great. Also any possibility of creating a separate category for pensions, rather than putting them under investments?
I treat Investments as savings, so they would probably better fit there for me, as I can usually cash out any time if i really have to. Pensions are, well, pensions, I only get access to that money when I retire!
I just went PRO again and I hate this feature change. I much preferred selecting a graphic.
There’s a presumption now that the accounts a customer wants to show will definitely have a Twitter handle (I know this is how you source your logos with copyright consent so it’s a shortcut for you guys, doesn’t mean it works for customer).
For me, I was using this manual add feature to add accounts that you don’t yet support (who probably have Twitter handles, fine…) but also to show how much cash I have in different currencies. On that subject, it annoyed me that I could select a £ or $ graphic but here was none for €.
Why not add the graphic selection functionality back in for those who don’t want Twitter handles?