Introduce yourself 👋

Hi Christine!

Hi Christine! :slight_smile:

Hi everyone! I’m Andrea, and I am a UX writer for a cybersecurity company. I was born and raised in Cyprus, studied for my BFA in Boston, MA, and then did my MA in Bristol. Ever since I have finished my MA in 2016, I have been living in London.

As you can probably tell from my username, I adore cats! But I love most animals, and I also love to read, write, draw, and travel.

I am so excited about using Emma and how this app makes it so easy to access things regarding my bank account! I am also excited about meeting you all and getting to know you better.

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Hey Andrea! :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community!

I love how well-travelled you are! :earth_africa:Which of these places has been your favourite to live in??

:raised_hands::raised_hands: we can’t wait to get to know you (and your cats :joy:) a little better!

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Hi, been interesting to read everyone’s introductions above and learn a bit more about the people using and behind Emma.

So here goes my little intro,
My name’s Nat,
Background about me would be that I’m just finishing up working at a UK bank, which was both digital and customer facing, to begin my MA in finance beginning September.

Looking forward to seeing how I’ll change my use of Emma with a termly income rather than the monthly income I’ve been used to.

Outside of this I’m massively into American Football (Go Pack Go), travelling & exploring new places


Hey Nat :wave:

Nice to see you here!

This is exciting! And yesss you’ll have to keep us updated with how you’re getting on with a termly income!

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Hello, I’m Yar :wave:

:man_technologist: 28 years old DevOps and Software engineer in a brilliant transport-related startup
:uk: Londoner for the past year and a half and loving every second of it (when it’s not in lockdown anyway lol)
:walking_man: Love going for long walks anywhere in the city every weekend (a bit challenging with the lockdown)
:game_die: Always up for a boardgame or shuffleboard


Welcome @y.winter! Let us know if you need any help. :slight_smile:

Hey @y.winter!!

Love a boardgame! Fave one?

@edoardomoreni thanks! I left a few suggestions/comments in the features thread. I hope to see some of them making it to prod at some point :slight_smile:

@rebekah I’m a big fan of Codenames :raised_hands:


Hi, I’m Stefano, I’m Italian but I live in London. I work in IT Security (Red Team).
My interest:

:man_technologist:t2: Security and Technology
:soccer: Football
:beer: Beer
:pizza: Pizza (any kind)


Heeey Stefano! Welcome to the Emma Community :raised_hands:

If you could only eat one kind of pizza for the rest of your life… what would it be?

That’s a tough question :smiley: Having one with all the toppings would be great :smiley: At least I may remove some of them and still change every time. It isn’t cheating, is it?
For sure We can avoid Pinapple though. :smiley:

Hahah that is totally cheating :joy:But that would be an epic pizza!

I have a confession to make… I love a pineapple pizza :flushed:(bad I know)



Omg that pizza is huge! :joy:



Ciao Stefano, Benvenuto!

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Hello All
Just joined Emma today. Really looking forward to using this app.


Welcome! :slight_smile:

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Welcome! Let us know if you need any help. :slight_smile:

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