Introduce yourself 👋

Hi Everyone I am Michael nice to meet you all. I work in a finance department in the accounts payable section. I am looking forward to using the site. I am also an active member of a Bitcoin Group which interests me.

That’s all for now.


Welcome @Matilda :wave:
Great to hear that you’re enjoying Emma!

Welcome to the Emma community and thank you!! :bear:

Hey, Michael @Everybitcounts,

Welcome to the Emma community!! :bear:
Let us know if you have any questions :blush:

Hello everyone,
I’m Maia - I’m a big fan of Emma and all things fintech!
I am currently a student studying international business management.
Things that I like include:
art house cinema :film_strip:
linguistics :speaking_head:
tech :woman_technologist:t4:


Hey @Maia :wave: :wave: :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community! :bear:

Hello :blush:

I managed to invest in Emma before actually opening an account :sweat_smile::sunglasses:

Am simple person, probably money mad :money_mouth_face:, who’s looking for a best way to manage its earned :pound::euro:

Very glad that Emma is friendly to cryptocurrencies (main reason why I finally joined the gang) :grin:

Languages spoken :lithuania::ru::uk: & some :ukraine:


Hi @Remi - Welcome to the Emma community! That’s a nice group of languages :ok_hand: I like the Russian language but too difficult to learn for me :joy:


Hey @remi :wave: :wave: :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community - thanks for joining us here! :bear:

I also speak Russian and Ukrainian :blush:


@jase It’s true :cry: that Russian grammar can be difficult, but if you find a good communicative teacher and follow their advice, learning is not hard. :+1:


Fun fact, a vast majority of team Emma speaks :ru:.

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Hey all -
Nicolas here - Edoardo be careful with that Nutella I have the same massive issue.

I was obsessed with Emma app since I discovered it (and showed me the fees I pay for my numerous current packaged accounts/credit cards etc - one word! Gobsmacked!). It has been my first ever investment outside the traditional ISA wraps and LSE/NYSE etc. I felt that the offering is very unique and something I didn’t see on the market before. I still regret never investing on the FreeTrade app so I thought I won’t go over the same thing again so here I am.

Ironically, shortly after the funding round closed I was let go from my employer and was unemployed for the first time in my life but I choose to see them as completely separate from one another.

Anyway I haven’t followed any updates on the progress, how you guys are doing, or even been on the app ever since. I am starting a new job next week and I thought I’d check in and see how is the team is doing. I hope is still flying high as it did during the funding round :smiley:


Hey @NKleovoulou welcome to the community and a great furtherance of your investment journey :slight_smile:

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Hello my name is Ashtin I just joined Emma and I am loving it thus far!!

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Hey @Ashstodgh :wave: :wave: :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community - thanks for joining us here! :bear:

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Helo! I’m Gavin from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

I’ve been using Emma for over a year now, and thought maybe it’s time I also joined the community!

I work in public transport, my interests are music (I play guitar and piano), Welsh politics, Celtic languages - particularly Welsh, Irish and Cornish, football (Bluebirds supporter) and rugby. l am a proud Welsh speaker and campaigner for the Welsh language.

Other than that, a pretty boring guy at the moment (I have the pandemic and my workaholic nature to blame for that!).

I’m usually very quiet, but no doubt once I’ve worked my way around the forum and find somewhere I feel I can contribute I will do. :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome Gavin! :wave:

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Hey @YrHwntw :wave: :wave: :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community - thanks for joining us here! :bear:

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Colin here. Been doing personal finances on Excel spreadsheets for many years now, which are growing arms and legs and bogging me down.

Thought I’d give Emma a spin and see if I can make life easier.

Let the journey begin….

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Welcome @ColinA :wave:

Hey @ColinA :wave: :wave: :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community - thanks for joining us here! :bear:

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