Custom Dashboard/Feed


Is there or can there be a way to customise the feed, e.g move/hide ‘savings checklist’ (I switched energy and broadband before signing up to Emma, so can’t tick them off) and I’d like to move my subscriptions up to the top, and change the colours for priority etc.


Hey @garretcj,

we don’t have a way yet, but we’ll build the ability to edit the Feed for Pro users. :slight_smile:

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Excellent, thank you :slight_smile:

Hi Team

I would love to be able to organise my feed how I would like putting priority on the things I want most.

This is coming for Emma Pro customers.

We are going to add new elements to the Feed in the next few weeks, so we want to give you the ability to hide / add whatever you want.

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Great to hear, hopefully we can get a preview here soon

It will be very simple.

I don’t think the overview will be included, the rest will be on/off or ordered however you like.

I see, in the future can we expect more customisability like all new icons/ graphs there is a lot of room to allow users to design the perfect system for themselves