Chase Bank UK Integration

Yes, this is correct.

For payments, we use an external company and they are yet to support Chase. :grimacing:

ps: yes, I have emailed them.


The renew issue should be fully fixed.


There are still a lot of issues with the chase bank integration, when will these issues be fixed?

  • duplicate transactions (e.g uber)
  • transfers between accounts, only showing up as a to or from or credit abd debit.
  • transactions on chase not showing up on emma
  • multiple renewal requests

Have you got any today or yesterday? Chase has fixed this issue.

Can you message live chat with some examples?

I think this is fixed.

This is failed payments - I think we can put a fix internally next week.

Sorry to sound like a broken record, any chance you can add an option/toggle to hide excluded transactions in the “see all” list.

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Yes, ive had 3 just today. It happens nearly every time i log on

It hasnt been fixed for me, as it still appears as credit/debit

A minor half workaround in the interim is to hide the round up account so at least there’s only 1 extra transaction


I have noticed that the roundups seem to not be detecting them to automatically exclude from my feed does anyone else have this issue. Seems to be a recent issue?

Same here, defaults to general and not recognising similar past transactions

Maybe because they have different references?

You can use the mass select in Transactions for this.

I have and still seems to not be picking it up

I am just wondering if they change reference for each new roundup. :expressionless:

Not sure it was working fine up until the other day

I don’t see any transactions older than March 2023 for Chase.
Tryed ‘Renew Access’ - same
Does someone has same issue?

Hey @dm1korneev, can you please send us a message on live chat so we can locate your account. We will check your connection with Chase.