It is not working for me either…
I pay a monthy direct debit from my Monzo account to my (offline) Vanguard ISA account. Even though the smart rule was set up correctly (as far as I understood), it did not trigger automatically when the direct debit was paid out yesterday.
The name of the outgoing transaction appear inside simply as “Vanguard” (also same string in the “Details” section). The “reference” section of the smart rule also reads “Vanguard”. From “Monzo” to “Vanguard ISA”.
I am not sure if I have understood this incorrectly. I thought that, as soon as a payment (e.g. -1,000£) went out from my Monzo account with reference “Vanguard”, a corresponding “income” transaction (+1,000£) would appear on the other side in my offline Vangard ISA account.
I’m reporting all the specific issue like this to the team so they can take a closer look at what’s going wrong.
From the feedback we’ve seen so far, it’s likely to be a design issue rather than an issue specific to you. Because of this, the team are collating all the transactions that aren’t being detected so they can review the entire system. This is also why you’re not hearing much back from us on this just yet
If you haven’t already, can you send us a screenshot of the rule you’ve set up and the latest transaction via chat?
It doesn’t do this at the moment, but it would be great if you could simply create a smart link directly when you create a manual transaction - that would be very nice. I think rules might be overkill, as you have to create the transaction anyway
One of my rules has triggered since yesterday. Somehow it’s picked up transactions from the last couple of days, so it looks like they’ve been working on this in the background.
Just as expected, it creates an identical, but positive transaction in my manual account. However, it hasn’t updated the manual account balance, which is a bit confusing. But it may be because this is still a work in progress.
I can also confirm my smart rule triggered this morning. I saw a positive income transation in the offline account corresponding to the negative payment in the sending account. However, also in my case, the offline account’s total balance was not updated accordingly, but it stayed the same as before the smart rule triggered.
just seen this now, I have Premium, any time frames when this will be released on IOS.
And also what would be some practical use cases? I categorise my spending already and it often auto remembers the category of transactions based on previous transactions i categorised.
I think from your description the “reference” is probably your name. If you click on the outgoing transaction in Emma. The “reference” you need to use should be in small grey writing right at the bottom of the screen.
And it should create the appropriate debit/credit transaction in the offline account. You may however need two separate rules if the references going one way are different to the references going the other way.
Yes i think this is the main area of confusion, and I think changing the front end design will help with that. But yes the rules are NOT case sensitive.
Also the rules do not need an exact match with the reference, just a partial match (this may change if it creates more issues than it solves).
So if the ‘reference’ (the grey text at the very bottom of the transaction) reads Fidelity Investements - abc123ghkd , then a rule with the reference set to FIDELITY should still capture that transaction.
Smart Rules working fine for me on Android (first opportunity for rule to come into effect today). However as has already been said the balance in the manually created account still needs to be updated separately once the rule has taken place
Can you set the rules between 2 offline accounts? I.e. if I create the transaction in one offline account with a specific name it would create a “mirroring” transaction in another offline account?