Overall Daily Spend shown

It would be great to see an overall daily spend to know how much spent on each day.

It can be shown in transaction next to the date.

Another thing I have noticed, is that the transaction doesn’t have a tab of it’s own, I think it is important for this feature to be highlighted, rather than scrolling through the feeds to get to transactions (maybe this can be put as an extra tab in analytics where categories and merchant is displayed)

Thanks for everything you guys have done, I love using this app

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Hiiiii @Endless_Viix :wave:

Welcome to the Emma community :blush:

Love both of these ideas, and I think they would be really useful for a lot of people

I’ll pass the ideas onto the rest of the team and see what they think. We’re focussing on a couple of other big features at the moment, but we can deffo take your points into consideration!

Love to hear this :purple_heart:

That sounds great! Can’t wait to see what else Emma has in store. I was really happy about the latest update (spending between pays rather than months)

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