New Year Resolutions ⚡️

Has anyone set any NY Resolutions this year?

Either financial or just general resolutions!

I have two this year:

  • Add a third of my income into savings each month
  • Read one book a month
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Thanks! Being in lockdown for a couple of months will definitely help with this - we’ll see what happens after that :laughing::crossed_fingers:

I’ve seen a few people mention this! After all these restrictions no one will want to turn down invites to holidays ever again haha.

This is a great resolution (and something I need to get much better at!) Any tips on how you plan to do this?

This sounds very cool - what’s it called?

Two of my friends are in the process of opening a shop like this in Hackney! Called Tuck Shop :blush:

Haha, you’ll have to let us know how you get on with this! :laughing:

Noo they don’t have a website yet, just Instagram, although they are planning on making one when they have more details about exact location/ opening dates etc!

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For anyone thinking about setting some financial goals this year, we’ve just published a new blog post that talks about:

  • the benefits of setting goals,
  • the goal-setting process,
  • and things that can help you achieve your goals more quickly! :money_with_wings:

Have a read and let us know what financial goals you’re working towards :rocket:

I have three goals for this year:

  1. Curse less. It’s become a big part of my vocabulary, and I’m better than that. I need to get more creative with my expressions of emphasis. I’m only allowing myself to curse when I talk about politics.

  2. Take care of my feet. It’s sounds weird and gross, but my feet are essential to my retirement plans of travelling the world and eating ham. And if they’re not healthy, no travel, no ham. So, lotions, good shoes, good socks (it makes a difference!), and proper padding at my standing desk. There may be a first ever pedicure in my future, too. I’ve heard it’s to die for.

  3. Financially, I’ve made a deal with my wife that we would only spend $20 CAD/week at Starbucks. That sounds like a lot until you consider I buy fancy coffee and tea for 8 people. I won’t tell you what it was before Jan 1. Shameful.


Perhaps you should start a swearing jar? Every time you swear add $1 into a pot. If you wanted to be really strict with yourself, every time you swear that’s $1 less you can spend on coffee :sweat_smile:

This has got to be the best retirement plan I’ve ever heard! I haven’t really thought about the impact of shoes/ socks on my feet long term but I guess you’re right - googling “good socks” now :joy:

To fix / change stuff sooner.

Provided it’s cost effective and I’m not borrowing the money to to do so, the sooner I spend to fix or change something the sooner I start getting value from that spend. Usually a lot more value than I can earn on that money sitting in an account for a few months while I procrastinate. No more looking back and regretting the delay.

This is such a good one! What kinda things do you procrastinate on fixing/ changing the most?

I need to follow your lead here - I alwaysss put off buying things because I don’t want to spend the money but then end up buying it a few months later anyway. (Example: putting off buying new saucepans when I really need new saucepans :sweat_smile:)

From the trivial e.g. buying LED bulbs to replace halogens. I pay for extra electricity while I wait, and the LED bulbs last so long that the “lost value” of replacing the halogens before they fail is more than compensated by the electricity saving.

To the more significant: that motorbike I now ride just a couple of times a year costs me little to run, but it’s depreciating, needs insuring and taxing and provides almost no utility. Better to get rid, or (since it’s now a kind of “just in case” insurance for when my wife is using the car) replace it with a cheap runaround that I’ll actually use at little more cost than the bike.

Another example, the whole house loves the milk frother that I just bought on a whim - it gets used multiple times everyday. I can now make my own lattes, including matcha lattes which are hard to find. By not buying one a year ago when I first thought about it I have saved a few pennies of earned interest, but missed out on sooooo many opportunities to DIY my favourite Starbucks/Costa drinks (which would have saved me more money). That’s a delay I regret.

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Loads of good examples here and a great mindset to have overall!

I’ve never had a matcha latte before, or actually anything matcha!

Maybe “try matcha” can be added to my resolutions list :yum:

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Yes …

“the good stuff”: it comes in different grades - the best is “ceremonial” grade, but for lattes and cakes I think “premium” is sufficient (and cheaper).

“stir it enough”: that’s where the milk frother is so good - add the powder to the milk and let the frother do the blending (so much better than a stirring with a spoon).

Okkk this is good to know - reckon something like this would be nice?

We’ve got this brand on cashback so I can get 8% off which is good as it seems a little expensive?

I’m definitely guilty of the motorbike bit as well…

Stopped using it since beginning of March due to no longer needing to commute to work, and it’s just been sat in my garage doing nothing.

Really need to sell it whilst I can before it gets rusty and worth less! That’s one new years resolution I guess.

I’d say that looks expensive: £22 for 30g of ceremonial grade when you can buy e.g. 100g of premium grade (which I think is sufficient) for under £12 (e.g. NaturaleBio, also from Japan, available on Amazon).