New Search: Help us test it

We have just enabled it for all of you.

Close the app, open it again and go to Search in Accounts. :slight_smile:

The experience between iOS and Android is a bit different, so let us know if you notice anything weird. :point_down:

I’m happy to test it,

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Thanks, I have just enabled it for you. :slight_smile:

Love to see that there are a couple of new people joining the Emma Community @eaa1312, @alliep, @Bsprkr

You can introduce yourself if you’d like :wave::star_struck:

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Hey! So a few comments on my experience so far:

  1. The search tool is one of the most basic tools I’ve found myself needing, but the old What Did I Spend tool was too restrictive. The move to a more open search engine is welcomed.
  2. In my eyes, this should be more accessible to the user, to the extent of adding a search bar at the top of the feed (without the need to look for it and be lucky finding it under the last transactions page).
  3. The filter bar needs some beautifying, but I guess this is just temporary for beta, so ignore that.
  4. Found a strange bug: created a >£50 filter, then typed Tesco. All good. Clicked on the X on the search bar - search field was cleaned. However, instead of cleaning up the results and showing the suggestion page, it shows all of my Tesco transactions with no price filter. It’s as if the X deletes the price filter but keeps the text search ) even though the search bar is empty). Only by writing something new in the search bar, the results reset completely.

Other than that, all in all, this could be very useful and works pretty good so far.


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Thanks for the feedback! :raised_hands:

Interesting idea :bulb: Where would you place it? Just above the Current/ Savings/ Net worth section?

Yess I also found this bug, took me a while to figure out how to see my full transaction list again :joy: Hopefully won’t be too long until this is fixed! :crossed_fingers:

How can I get the testflight invite?
My link is:

Hey @cristian :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community :raised_hands: We have an “Introduce Yourself” page if you fancy telling us a little more about yourself here!

We can enable this for you now :blush:

Kindly enable it for me :blush:

I guess so, but it depends how it looks in the end - worth trying.
In general I think it’s worth considering going back to the drawing board with the feed. I find it a bit too static in my eyes and I almost automatically go to the Analytics page every time. But that’s going a bit slightly off topic I guess :sweat_smile:

Join me on Emma! All my accounts in one place plus the best way to save and manage money. :bear::tada:

Hi, you can add me too:

Join me on Emma! All my accounts in one place plus the best way to save and manage money. :bear::tada:


The search functionality works ok for me no bugs spotted. Having the ability to filter income vs expense would be a nice addition at some point.

The category’s search for me pulls up anything with the same name as some of the categories I’ve got set up. It would be great to have a filter for the budget categories that a pro user sets up.

Yeah this could be cool - filter on a list of money coming in vs money going out :raised_hands:

Hey Rebekah,

Still waiting for this to be enabled on my profile :slight_smile:

Ah sorry! Have you updated the app too? :blush: