NEW Emma Pro Features Launch Today 🎉

Yes, this is extremely challenging and it’s something we’ll fix in the long term.

At this point, when people change bank account, we lose track of all their direct debits and they get generated again into a new subscription.


Awesome update. I’ll look forward to playing around with manual transactions! Cheers guys n girls!

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Can we edit merchant names? Like, on the analytics “‘merchants” section. One currently reads as “ATM” for me lol

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Merchant names can’t be touched. :sweat_smile:

Would you be able to give me some insight into your systems?

I would struggle to have a database field I’m unable to edit.

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Transactions != Merchants. :stuck_out_tongue:

Transactions != merchants for sure

But you still need to store the merchants data in a table somewhere surely - why is this field locked from editing? All it does is make Emma objectively worse.

Yes, but Merchants is a top level DB used by everyone.

We can’t make a local copy for your own needs. :rofl:

If you have a techie question, feel free to open a thread. @VaradhK or @boldi24 are more than happy to jump in.

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How is everyone finding the new Pro Features?

I want to see more screenshots of all the fun categories you have created!?

I’m very happy to see manual transactions being implemented and have been using them for a few weeks now. So thank you for developing them!

They could be improved further by allowing transfers between accounts. For example, if I make an investment in a linked current account and I have a manual investment account, it would be nice to be able to associate the transaction. Another example, if I make a payment to a manual credit account it would be handy to link the transaction from the linked current account into the manual credit account. Currently I do this manually by recording two transactions and excluding them (as it is effectively a transfer).


That’s cool. The linking might be difficult to automate, but we can think about this. :slight_smile:

I’d like to be able to categorize my budget for free all the time. That would be incredibly helpful. I think that would be a great feature that should become free. I have SOOOOO many categories that aren’t provided that I’d like to add that I have no idea where to put them and it’s difficult for my budget to be accurate. I love Emma so much and I tell all my friends and family about Emma!

I also think it would be nice for Emma to “refresh” from our bank account more often in a day than just once everyday. That would be helpful for us to stay current on our budget.