Net Worth Forecasting

Yeah, I like the idea of a calculator too

What about having a net worth forecast, and then a net worth goal so you could compare the two?

This is exactly what I do in the spreadsheet, so i would find value in it for sure. Not necessary for an MVP though in my opinion.

initially, the function of budgeting incomes and future expenses should be implemented in the budget. Thus, based on budgeted expenses and income, it would be possible to predict future net worth. Along with this function, it could also be implemented the option to simulate a possible salary increase or an expected yield of investments earnings through an annual percentage stipulated by the user.

Thus, the user will be able to simulate different scenarios and be able to make better financial decisions.

The Forecast can be viewed in the “more” tab through a graph that can be adjusted for different periods of time.

Hey @joaoseixas93 :wave:

Great idea! Being able to forecast your salary would be a great feature for Emma. Would you like the ability to be able to input the variables yourself?

eg. a predicted salary rise of x?


Yes, it would be great!

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