I want to focus my budgeting on things I have day-to-day control over. I have no day-to-day control over housing costs, bills, repairs, maintenance, and repeating costs I’m committed to (e.g. gym membership, haircuts). I do have control over eating out, groceries, entertainment, and shopping. It adds unnecessary complexity to manage this day-to-day spending in four separate category budgets. I just want a single “discretionary spending” budget. At the same time it’s useful to break down these categories in the spending analysis (e.g. how much am I burning on eating out?) so I don’t want to abolish these categories.
I can see two possible solutions:
Multi-category budgets (same as Money Dashboard)
Exclude categories from the “total” budget. I know I can exclude things from the total spending, but I don’t want to do this as I still need to keep an eye on overall spending.
No there’s all included categories have the same status within the budget. For example, I might set up a “luxuries” budget and include “eating out”, “shopping” and “entertainment”
Being able to exclude specific categories from analytics and budget would be super useful to me. Right now I have to use the excluded category, but I want a way to keep certain kinds of transactions different separated from others…