Analytics/Budget viability

Can we see all the categories we have a budget for on the analytics screen?

I’m finding it too easy to forget what categories I have budgets for or how much the budgets are.

I can’t see why they aren’t visible by default. If I assigned a payment to each category they would all appear anyway so whats the benefit in hiding them at the start of he month? I get that you can go into the budgets tab to see but it’s too easy to accidentally change in there.

This doesn’t feel like it would be difficult to implement?

Hey @Swifty :wave:

Welcome to the Emma Community and thanks for this feedback.

I also quite like the idea of being able to see all your categories on the analytics tab (even if you haven’t spent anything yet). I’ll bring it up with the team :blush:



Yeah it makes sense to see everything. Budgeting is all about visibility, so the app should reflect that.

Thanks for forwarding on the suggestion.

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