Throughout the month I can see committed spending etc and get a figure for how much I have left to spend.
When I get paid, this all resets and I don’t know how much I had “left to spend” at the end of the pay period.
I know there is another discussion looking at analytics by prior pay period but this feels potentially a smaller feature so maybe easier?!
It would essentially say “your pay period ended, this is how much you had left to spend immediately before you got paid”. You could even say “why not invest/save this” along with a link to Nutmeg or whoever so presumably this could be a self-financing feature
While we currently have the ability to look at how much you spent vs how much you earnt for previous months, it doesn’t quite match up with paydays.
We want to get features like rolling paydays and analytics by prior pay period implemented rather than an interim solution but should plans change, this is an idea we can refer back to
I currently use another app to track my bills which also makes it easy to adjust when one months bill my be higher, lower or not required that particular month. While I quite like the committed spend feature it isn’t dynamic enough to actually use it properly.
Pay Period analytics is all I every wanted in a money managing app. Instead of seeing April’s analytics, I would like to see April’s Pay Period analytics as that is a true reflection of how my money is managed through a month.
I have went as far as writing my own .net web app to have this function, but I need to manually import my transactions so it no fun . If it’s added here then my money managing life is complete.
So I get paid on the 20th of each month. When I get paid on the 20th March, that is my money for “April”.
I now get paid on the 20th April, when I look at April’s stats it says my income and outgoings, but 3 weeks of this outgoings where from my previous pay and not the pay I just got in April. My income versus outcome is very skewed for April then. If I got paid on 1st of the month then it would be no issue
It makes it harder to know how far my pay stretched one pay to the next.
So by allowing the analytics to be based on pay period, it makes more sense to see how well you performed financially pay period to pay period.
I could say that in my March pay I had X amount left over. Or I spent how much of my March pay on takeaways !!
Love this suggestion.
Added to that, perhaps there could be the options to save/invest the money you have left or rolling the money over to the next pay period.
I’ve just had my payday report (sorry if that’s the wrong name). The last card tells me how much I have “saved”. How is this calculated? This might be the feature I was asking for!
When is it out? It’s so important to me, as I manage my kid’s pocket money with the rolling-over method so they can accumulate and then spend etc…
so I need to be able to look up the current accumulated budget for each set category.
(A feature I know from YNAB, but it’s an American provider I can’t stand the manual bank statement imports. That’s when I was searching for an alternative and found your app)