Emma Pockets/Pots 🇬🇧 - 4.34% AER

Would it be possible to have monthly goals as well as goals by date ie at the moment you can only have a goal of X amount by X date, it would good to be able to have X amount monthly (weekly/annually?).

This is with a new bank, but I don’t have any ETA to share today - I hope end of the month.

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Do you mean like a budget?

As an example if I want to have a savings pot for “gifts” I’d be dipping into it throughout the year, so an overall goal doesn’t really work. But if I know I want to set aside X amount per month, I could see how on track I was with that.

It would be really neat though if you could directly link budget to savings goals / pots so elements of the budget that are I guess spent / saved over a longer period could be directly linked to savings pots. So I guess budgets that roll-over could be directly linked to savings pots.

Sorry, just thinking aloud. I’ve come from YNAB and really like their style of envelope budgeting.

Thanks @edoardomoreni :+1:t2:

Yes, this makes sense.

It makes me think we could have some nice call to actions to create category like Pots in Analytics. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just wondering if there’s an update on this @edoardomoreni , especially in view of the recent interest rise to 5% which should trigger a rise in saving’s interest :pray:t3:

Yep, we are waiting for Santander - they should decide something next week.

We are also hoping our provider can onboard this new bank with an higher offer - they are working.


Sounds good, looking forward to hearing more once details can be shared with us. :blush:
Thanks @edoardomoreni

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4.21% with Chip will be hard to beat.

They have a fraction of the market, probably 0.001%.

Surprising (considering how good their rate is).

Majority of the deposits are sitting in high street banks that offer 0.70% AER. :grimacing:

Santander is going up to 3.51% AER on Monday.

We are still working with another bank to be able to go above 4%

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Good to hear, @edoardomoreni.
Given the BoE’s base rate going up, banks need to catch up with increasing saving interest rates quickly, and a few institutions have already raised these.
It would be really great if Emma could be joining the ranks of higher interest rates too :pray:t3:


Hopefully one day we can have the highest on the market :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Genuine question, if that wasn’t just a feel good comment, how could you though? You are not a bank, so all you can do is either pass on someone else’s leading rate, or subsidise the rate as a loss leader (effectively losing money either way so not exactly sustainable long term without deep pockets like Chase).

Hey @lucianf, I am not sure I understand your question.

In terms of interest, we can easily compete with everyone. Our interest is paid by a bank via a third party that takes a cut. This fee is very small and every bank in the market uses its own strategy - this is also why some banks have not followed the bank of England rate.

Every bank in the market is taking the current BoE rate - some have decided to give back, others have kept it in their pockets.

The new interest is fully out. :slight_smile:

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Thought I’ll check into this discussion again as there are many easy access accounts which now pay 4+% .
Is there any positive development for Emma easy access savings pots to offer a higher % ? I recall @edoardomoreni mentioning discussions with banks to go up from what is currently available.
Thanks :blush::+1:t3: