Chase Bank UK Integration

Same here getting the renew bug everything is up to date


There might be a new renew issue, but it’s not widespread and we are talking to chase to resolve.

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Yes, asks me to renew the connection again as soon as I renew it. Going back to my manual Chase accounts in Emma because this is frustrating.

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We are fixing.


Was able to connect fine :ok_hand:

Great work :clap:

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We are on a call with them to resolve these renew issues. :slight_smile:

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They are also going to fix the issue where income transaction show just as “credit”.


Please can you add me? @jessicacollier1

They bank login is live.


Here’s an interesting bug. I was going through my downloaded Chase transactions to reconcile against my manual ones (awfully tedious exercise). I found two sets of debit card transactions that I know had failed at the time (not sure why, but Chase didn’t let them go through - these were transfers to Monese).

The money never left my account, the transactions don’t show on my Chase txn list / statement, and of course don’t show in Monese either. But the OB connection still downloaded them as valid transactions (without impacting the final account balance - I assume that is retrieved separately rather than being calculated).

I will provide dates via chat but thought I should post here too as, well, it’s an interesting one!


I also have this.

And still getting the reconnect bug too

New thing. Have still been having to renew the connection every morning. However this morning when I hit “continue” on the “one final thing” popup nothing happens. I guess maybe the link address has changed?

Just tried again, and worked second try.

Yes, we are getting a few reports about failed transactions creating issues.

The main issue here is that Chase has not followed the main OB standards, so we need to do a bit of extra work to make it work properly.

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Still getting the renewal issue everything updated

We should be able to fix the failed transactions internally.

For the renewal, it seems to be their fault. We have sent another email yesterday and noticed the same problem with a competitor.

Anyone else having this bug? Pending transactions randomly appearing and disappearing? On the chase app it is still pending

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This can be related to the failed transactions bug.

Chase might have fixed the renew access issue.

Can you guys try to reconnect and see if it goes in access revoked again?