Auto Savings suggestions

New Emma Ultimate user here and loving the app and all the insights it provides for me.
I would like to help it automate some of my finances so I am looking into Saving Pots and auto saving which is nice one to take away money from me so I do not spend them.
Few suggestions however:
Allow to link pot and it’s goal (sum and date) to recurring payment - large yearly payments like car insurance or service charge, etc.
Then have the auto saving split the collected money based not on fixed percentages but rather the goal remaining gap and time, prioritising soonest goal to be fulfilled by expected date.
This way the yearly payment does not surprise me, as savings would automatically be made to make sure goal is reached in time. Saving for down payments while important and big, will be allocated last as it may not have the goal date set.

The auto saving could also take these deadlines and goals into consideration to force higher savings as needed (without going to overdraft).
Maybe some pots could have flag “critical” to be treated with this priority.

Additionally, to leverage the 45 notice higher interest accounts, send a notification few days in advance so the notice to withdraw is sent in time to receive money on expected date. Eventually do the withdrawal notice automatically.

Love the idea for auto save, thanks for suggesting. Will pass this along to the team!