Heya I’d like to know exactly what this guarantee exists for.
As far as I’m aware you guys get read only access, as in you couldn’t physically take my money if you tried?
Is this more in the event that our details are stolen from Emma for our online banking details? Isn’t this more linked to Plaid/TrueLayer than Emma itself
Is this linked to Emma’s solvency?
Should you go bankrupt am I just 85k out of pocket?
I have no idea. Perhaps relates to insurance in the event of account credentials stored in Emma being stolen and used fraudulently??? But I thought since Emma are regulated as an AISP, banks would be expected to cover losses themselves. I can’t see any mention of a guarantee in the terms and conditions
As fas I know, when you connect your account Emma gets both read and write acess. In theory they can debit you account and transfer your balance somewhere else (Ex: Venmo and PayPal), if implement an option to do it in the app remains to be seen, but they can.
We are going to build this later in Q4, just for the US.
It doesn’t involve credential sharing or access to “charge cards”. The US has a completely different system and we just need a routing number to do stuff.