Understanding Your Credit Score

Morning all :sunglasses:

Today on the blog we’re looking at credit scores - what they are, why they’re important, and most importantly what you can do to improve them!

Is credit score something you’d like to see on Emma? :eyes:



Definitely should be a must have! , only problem I’ve found is most of the 3rd party companies piggy back on TransUnion, would be more innovative to have an outlook over your scores across all 3 companies, then you could possibly highlight factors from your analytics.

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Hey @sean.read :wave:

Thanks for posting on the Emma Community - nice to have you here!

If you’d like you can introduce yourself here!

This is a cool idea! So a summary which says your score with TransUnion is X, your score with Equifax is X, etc? What kind of factors would you want to be highlighted in the analytics?

Hi and thank you! :blush: well I was thinking purely from a logical Perspective as you know not every bank/building society etc. Reports to all the credit agencies, so if we have all 3 and let’s say you missed your CC payment it would be cool to have let’s say a red marker or a CS indicator to give everyone an idea it’s going to impact negatively. On the other hand if you have a CC and the analytics pick up you’ve only used £100 out of £1000 CC limit and you’ve been paying it off promptly, to get an *keep up the good work that should have a positive impact on your credit score.

This could be a really nice addition to the weekly/ monthly spending reports too :raised_hands:

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That sounds really good! Could you possibly add to the report, need to be improved , IE if let’s say you’re not on the electoral roll etc. Indicating factors like these can have a positive impact , you know sort of like a checklist or achievements like you’ve got with the analytics?

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Yeeah so more awareness in the notifications - like, missing this payment can impact your CS!

I like the idea of having a guide/ learning section (although not sure where it would fit on the app exactly :joy:) but the checklist could be cool for the Quest section!

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Yes that’s what I was thinking off! , implementing quests for maintaining payments and keeping your details up to date etc. Maybe Gummy awards ? Or is that wishful thinking :thinking::joy:

Haha rewards for managing your money well - I like it!

We will see :wink:

Is there a reason that some providers have more data than others? Does it just depend on what that particular provider is scoring against?

What about if you bundled it with EMMA Pro ? Personally I prefer Experian, thankfully Monzo has started reporting to them.

I’m enjoying reading your responses haha so we must both be boring :joy:

I think if Emma does implement any of this, we really do need a streamlined method of escalating a case of incorrect information on your credit file, I’ve only had to do it once through credit karma who is owned by Trans-Union and this was 3-4 Months ago … still no reply :joy: so I gave up !

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What’s the process for disputing incorrect info with credit karma?

Depending on the dispute, my one said you no longer had an active mortgage :joy::joy: bearing in mind never had one in my life , it will says “ dispute to transunion “ , takes you to a simplistic web form or a email draft … then you let the eternity of waiting begin :weary:

That’s the thing , it had no lender information, I checked other credit agencies in case it’s popped up there and it only shown on Trans-Union/ Credit Karma.

That’s the thing though, the link takes you directly to transunion assumably because they’re the parent company, if we had are own version, it would be good if we had some sort of thing like


Individual threads for each dispute and have the updates pushed in app and if it doesn’t get sorted , implement an escalation button where we could have a professional tailored template depending on the dispute.

what do you think ? Have you seen the setup of resolver ? @jase @rebekah

Back when they started I’ve taken advantage of it, having a special inbox with unique email addresses I think is a unique touch, I would love it if we can have that approach for escalations through Emma credit score related issues or general transactions like if you had a transaction and it was let’s say … a £800 laptop and at the bottom of the transaction there was a floating button saying escalate and have it talk through your rights and how to complain to the FOS for example would be awesome, I think it fits in with the financial assistant ethos :blush:

True :slight_smile: my over excitement can get the better of me :joy:

Thank you :blush: much appreciated !