Synchronise Monzo tags

In Monzo I can add tags to transaction, but I noticed that the tags are not synchronised with Emma. It would be nice if Emma picked up tags from Monzo transactions

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Hey Andrea!

Yes, this is a classic issue that has been going on since we started.

When we update your account, we only look up at your latest transactions; that’s why we don’t update anything in the past.

At this point, we don’t have any plans to change this logic. Monzo is still a secondary account for many, so the tags should be added in Emma first. :wink: eheheh

Thanks, makes sense :slight_smile:

Another suggestion about tags: would it be possible to not auto tag transactions? I started tagging every present I buy as #gift but Emma learnt to tag every Amazon transaction as #gift making the previous tagging not helpful anymore

But the problem with this is they only appear in Emma several hours later…

Patience my friend - money management requires lots of patience. ehhee :wink: