Starling Discussion & Feedback

No, my account is updating. It’s only one space. I thought I was going crazy and somehow not seeing it, but I’ve checked and I’m sure

What’s a space? :sweat_smile:

Sorry, Starling calls pots “Goals” and they are created under starling “Spaces” (which also includes loans…)

It’s one of my Goals that I’m not seeing. No big deal, tbh

If the balance is 0 and there are no transactions, we might stop returning it. Worth checking with Support in the app. :slight_smile:

OK, will do.

Log off now, Edoardo - that’s an order!

Ehehehe :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Hey, would it be possible to show when Starling transactions are pending?

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Starling has announced they’re launching a debit card for kids.

I think this is a great little move - I personally would have loved to have a card like this when I was younger!

What do you guys think? Know anyone that this would be good for?

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All kids under 16? :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Seriously though, awaiting to see the detail before true comparisons can be made with rest of this market.

The £0pm service charge is a good start though. GoHenry is £2.99pm per card per child :scream:

Edit £2pm service charge. Thanks @rebekah for noticing that (1-1) :grin:

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I meant do you personally know anyone that would benefit from this :joy::see_no_evil:

I think the article linked above mentioned it was going to be £2 per month?

Yeah, you’re right. £2pm. Cannot even blame a typo for that one :rofl:

It was the Connected Card I got for £0pm. They will now be charging for that one. That one does not allow ATM or online usage though, so far balance imo.

If I lived with kids under 16, then I would probably subscribe.

Welcome to Online Banking

A positive addition to the app. You need the app to approve the login.

Looks very clean.

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Oooo interesting.

Do you think you’ll use it much? I can’t see how it’s any easier/ better than your phone?


I am an app person :joy:

Starling tweeted the below this morning and it seemed to send a lot of people into a frenzy about why they would open a branch, where it would be etc…

Turns out they’ve actually just partnered with Trillion Trees and they’re going to plant a tree every time you refer-a-friend :joy:

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Clever advertising.

Tease the public. Invoke debate. Catch most out :rofl:

I mean. I assume Starling’s hope is the child will grow up and use them as an adult. In which case they should make the account free. Still though not a bad price.

Will Starling ever bring out the ability to pay bills or send standing orders OUT of a Starling Space?

They mentioned this 2-3 years ago.

Revolut have also mentioned they will open something similar.

Monzo is the only one that can do this.

Thanks for sharing!

Thought it was interesting how they “recorded the highest switching gains of any bank in the UK with nearly 12,000 customers switching to us on a net basis”

I’ve just seen as well that they’ve made some changes to their app design… excited to see what value it’ll add to my joint acc :blush: