Starling Discussion & Feedback

I haven’t been able to open an account yet and whenever I try, they kinda reject me; but would be great to know more about what you think!

ps: I have also tried to get in touch with C-level people and they were like “talk to support”. :rofl:

It’s a shame you can’t get your account working :cry:. I’ve found Starling actually works pretty seamlessly with Emma :grin:.
I also controversially…like the new blue card :eyes:.


i really like Starling although i do wonder whether they are focussed on too many different account types as progress on personal account has slowed. Budgeting is now well behind Monzo and closing their forums has significantly reduced transparency in what is coming and when, which in turn has reduced the feeling of attachment to them. That said it is still a great account and 2nd only to Monzo in my opinion. I use both for different reasons


Have you tried the EUR accounts?

We are not supporting those yet in Emma, cause we need to switch to V2 of their API. :sweat_smile:

not yet, they are not available to me yet and i don’t have a need for them. My parents on the other hand are waiting for them to go fully live to open a starling account.


Was locked out of my current account and support basically told me there was nothing I could do.

App was subsequently deleted after that ‘support’.

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Had the same issue before opening an account. lol

I have a EUR account with them.
It’s been working seamlessly so far.

Very impressed at the exchange rates into my GBP, although the screen for doing the exchange is very clunky.

Will Emma be able to show the live GBP value of my EUR balance?

The interface with so many accounts (I have four with them now) is getting worse and worse, so hopefully they’ll do something with the layout…

We still need to move to Starling V2 API. We are currently on V1, which doesn’t support EUR accounts; but I think we can get this done very soon. :wink:

Emma already supports multi-currency…

From reading forums generally, it sounds like not many people have got the EUR account yet, so it would be interesting to know the numbers of Emmanauts who’d use this right now.

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We got really a handful of queries about this, nothing big. :wink:

I chose Starling over Monzo (at the time) because Starling had Apple Pay integration first. Further down the line, Starling has taken a more ‘professional’ route and Monzo has remained big on community.

It’s a real shame that Starling didn’t rise up to its customer service challenges and instead closed the community forum.

Given that I’m not quite ready to give up my legacy bank (so use Starling for contactless/travel) I don’t see the need to switch to Monzo yet.


Do you think those were challenges or they just couldn’t be bothered? :slight_smile:

From my point of view, there was a chain of events that happened something like this:

  • People posting with increasing frequency about poor CS chats they’ve had
  • People posting about the increase in people with CS complaints
  • Starling promised a blog post to address the concerns
  • The blog post was mostly waffle
  • Forum closed

I can’t speak for what went on behind the scenes but to an outsider, that does look like they can’t be bothered.

They could have written something like this. :point_up_2::point_up_2: ahahh

Have Starling…don’t use the personal current account as pay with credit.

Have the Euro account but you can only hold Euro and not pay in Euro so it’s very much alpha and pretty pointless.

Have the business account and now it has free agent integration (which is very nicely done, although there’s one bit that could be slicker) it’s meeting my needs.

Overall very happy but I feel more attached to Monzo probably as I’ve an investor card.

I have loads of bank accounts but for the first time in years I switched my main account from halifax to starling. Love it as a bank generally.

I opened an account by mistake about a year or so ago thinking I was downloading an aggregator.


The Euro account lets you exchange any amount into GBP during the week at the real exchange rate instantly - that’s unique on the market, I think.

Would be even better if you could pay in Euro when in Europe though.

It’s interesting that they’ve always taken the “this is a perfect account for expats in the UK” line. The account is more or less useless for anyone based in the UK who is travelling or working on the mainland.