Some transaction list filter and navigation suggestions

I recently had a need to look for some transactions I had made several years ago. I couldn’t remember exactly what the transactions were called so search wasn’t particularly useful for this. However, I knew they were deposit type transactions (although not necessarily categorised as income) and I knew they happened around 4 years ago.

It took ages to scroll back through all my transactions. This was partly because it was several years ago and partly because I had to scroll through spend transactions which were of no interest to me in this particular search.

With this in mind I make two suggestions:

  1. Please provide an option to jump to a specific date or perhaps provide an accelerated scroll feature. For example in Google Photos app I can grab hold of a handle on the right side of the screen to rapidly get to a particular month. A similar feature would be helpful in Emma.

  2. Please provide an option to filter transactions by type (e.g. deposit, spend, transfer) independently of how they have been categorised.


Amazing suggestion! Thanks, I will let the team know.

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great suggestion, and this is particularly important for seeing what the current position for “interest income”, within a tax year, now that interest rates have risen, so that tax on savings can be planned for, and savings balances moved to ISA accounts etc.

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We already have a design to search by exact date or range of dates. We haven’t had the chance to implement it yet. This is similar to the filter we have in Analytics. :wink:

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