Savings + Investment graph

Hi all,

Maybe I’m missing something and this is already available somewhere, but id like to be able to create custom graphs and see the value over time.

For example,

I’d like to see my savings and investment combined and as individual lines in one graph so that I can track the overall value over time.

Ideal would be if the graph could be fully customised (which accounts should be included from savings and investments, do I want a combined line or separate lines, etc).

I often move funds between savings and investments, so keeping track of the overall value is difficult with individual graphs.

The Net Worth graph is not addressing this as it includes pensions and other assets that cannot be liquidated short term.

I use Emma Pro by the way.

Is this already possible or planned for a future release?



The only suggestion I could currently make is to make an offline account, and manually update the total of your investment and savings account combined in there to track them.

I can pass this along to the team as a potential future update however!

If there’s anything else I can help you with please hesitate to shoot me a message!