Recurring Income

Am I the only one asking for this? I do not see any support.
I have asked for this before to assist forecasting. In analytics we have regular payments, why not recurring income? Surely this makes sense.

It makes sense to me, I have four regular monthly incomes and two are from a non supported bank (Smile) so definitely helps.

Hey Tony! For recurring income where exactly in the app would you want that to be? Are you thinking of having it with the recurring payments as incoming payments? You also can see income in analytics on the income vs spending graph :smile:

Good point. Personally I would be more than happy to have regular income combined with payments.
The need is for forecasting, not actual payments received.
Tony Jones

Is your income variable?

Some is and some isn’t, just like regular payments.
Salaries, pensions etc. are normally the same. Bank interests are slightly variable and investment dividends are variable but forecast able.

Been using Emma App for a while. I agree, reoccurring income option is needed. Would work the same way as payments, where income can be marked as reoccurring.
It’s needed in order to forecast properly, eg my salary is paid every two weeks. Currently, if I look at true balance, it only shows reoccurring payments, so does not reflect the true projected end of month balance

There is an option to set your period in analytics every two weeks?

There is, however most reoccurring bills are on a monthly basis / annual basis and so, I work on monthly analytics - checking predicted balance. The problem with being paid every two weeks is that income will hit the account at different times during the month and occasionally, three times in a month , which makes it difficult to track / budget.

Working on a monthly basis seems the easiest way

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Any more news on this topic? - having the ability to mark income payment as re-occurring income would make monthly tracking so much easier

hey this is Shahar, I’m part of the Emma team.
The teams looking into it but thanks for bringing it up, let us know if you have any other ideas also.