I appreciate a pending payment may change or be cancelled but it would be really handy to have the notes feature active as I often have multiple pending and then it’s a faff trying to recall exactly what each payment was for a few days later.
Unfortunately, it’s just as hard to assign metadata to a pending transaction then to the final transaction as it is to link a pending to a final transaction.
Personally, I think this could be done manually, but Emma is generally dead set against manual solutions.
But maybe there’s a way to create your own metadata for pending transactions - in a separate bin, then somehow link and delete when you get the final transaction
Process would look something like this
- Pending transaction is created
- Copy is created and put in special bin, where it can be edited
- Pending transaction it was copied from drops off pending
- User is prompted to select a final transaction for the now orphaned copy
- Data is copied over to final transaction and/or is deleted
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I know it can take 4-5 days then I have forgot what it was for
Would be such a simple thing surely to implement