New Integrations

Are there any new integrations on the horizon?

Not that I’m aware of, but here’s a fun integration for you:

What is the definite integral of 2xdx with limits from 10 to 13?

Thanks for the update.

If I solve this can you integrate Hargreaves Lansdown as a priority? :joy:

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Hey guys - jokes apart, there is nothing big or solid enough that we can integrate at this stage; the last one we did was Smile and it breaks every other week.

We had a look at Kroo - but it’d take us a couple of weeks since they have not followed the standard; HL doesn’t offer any payment account, so it’s not in the scope of OB.

I have chatted with Yonder’s CEO and made a promise we’d integrate if and when they give us something.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Add Interactive Investor

Coop also breaks every few days, but IIRC you’re well aware.

Cater Allen pleeeeease?

No ETA on Cater Allen but will msg if and when there’s an update there!!