Has Emma stopped reading Monzo transaction notes?

Not sure if I’m imagining this but I think there was a time in the past when Emma read notes added to Monzo transactions in Monzo app and applied these to Emma transaction notes, as long as notes were added in Monzo before the first sync after the transaction.

This no longer seems to be happening.

Has something changed or am I mistaken in my recollection of previous behaviour?

If I remember this correctly, the notes are not sent to us by their new API. The old interface certainly had them.

Why not writing your notes on Emma first :wink:

It’s a shame the new API doesn’t send them.
Do you recall if Starling and Revolut send them?

Basically because the transaction is available in Monzo immediately (as opppose to sometimes several hours later in Emma). At the time of the transaction is when I’m most likely to want to make a note.

I’ve also noticed that the old Amex API gave me the available to spend amount, but doesn’t any more. I wonder if there’s a quick hack to add the credit limit for a credit card, then estimate the available to spend from the balance returned by the API and the pending transactions…

Admittedly not a vital feature, but certainly neat. It might be more generally beneficial to be able to add the credit limit manually and get warnings e.g. closer to the limit (80% 90% 95%).

We don’t know the credit limit either :roll_eyes:

No, but I do!

This has been a massive issue for me since the update. My partner and I split pay on the majority of our Monzo transactions and Monzo adds the original transaction source as a Note e.g. ‘For Amazon’, For ‘Just Eat’, For ‘ATM’.

Previously if I clicked on the transaction to categorise it, the transaction preview would display my partner’s name AND the Note so I could easily see where the transaction was made and categorise it accordingly. This process was seamless and I kept my transactions up to date daily.

Now it only says my partner’s name and Monzo so I have to flip back and forth between Monzo and Emma to figure out what the transaction is for so I can correctly categorise it. I end up avoiding the app until I can be bothered to go through the back and forth process.

Is there any solution around this?

Hey @ashleybknight

Welcome to the Emma Community :blush:

Unfortunately I think this issue is out of our hands - we need Monzo to update their API.

Might be worth reaching out to Monzo to ask if they can make the change? :crossed_fingers: