Going Waste Free

Hey all you snazzy Emma Community people :wave:

I need your help. I’ve been trying to reduce my waste as of late and have made some good progress. I’ve managed to cut packaging from

  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Pasta
  • Laundry stuff

Crowdsourcing ideas to get rid of waste for the trickier stuff like

  • Toothpaste
  • Food on the go
  • Dairy - went to local butcher/cheese shop and it was daylight robbery - astronomically expensive. Any cheaper solutions would be awesome

Does anyone know of any stores that aren’t super expensive that are waste-free? Any tips, tricks or ideas would be great

You can get a trial for toothpaste tablets here: Reco Toothtabs - 31 Day Trial Subscription - Cancel Anytime

Other places are a little cheaper for larger quantities, but I haven’t seen anyone else do a small amount like this to try.

Do you have a reusable water bottle? I take my Chilly bottle with me everywhere!

They also have these cute food tubs that keep food hot/ cold for 6 hours that could be good for food on the go?


Good shout - I’ve ordered some. I’ll review back here with my review in due course :joy:

I like this idea although I don’t think we’re back in the office any time soon

I also looked into this but I’ll try the tabs out first as it is just less packaging all around.

Are you trying to go waste-free as well @jase?

Yup! My water bottle is absolutely essential and best of all, I didn’t have to pay anything for it

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Is this the woman you’re talking about? Very impressive!

I saw this the other day and thought it was quite a cute idea if you live around the Stoke Newington area - https://www.topuptruck.com/

Omg this SO CUTE. Is this something you’d do @rebekah?

I downloaded this based on your recommendation so I’m going to start giving stuff away in the very near future. My lazy self can’t be bothered to sell anything on eBay but I don’t want to throw it away

Do you mean because Avocado and Oat Milk have to travel a long way before you consume them?

To be honest, I need to be so so so much better at this - I’m still a weekly shop at Aldi kinda gal.

It takes a lot more organisation to do this properly, so I deffo need to get my bum in gear!

Bulk Market / Re:Store / Get Loose Foods in Hackney are all packaging free stores. Used to go there a lot to do my grocery shopping, highly recommend!

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I have a new challenge thanks for the advice from all of you.

Does anyone have any ideas about going waste-free on lip balm, moisturiser and hand cream?

These arrived yesterday - I’m liking them so far! Some reviews said that you’d need two tabs but one is fine. Cheers for the suggestion :+1:

I do find it frustrating sometimes. You need to be waste-free, eat locally, eat seasonally and be vegan. I’m not surprised why most people don’t even attempt to get started on reducing their personal impact

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Who do you offset through? I have a Special Expedition susbcription through Climeworks but it doesn’t even nearly cover my flight emissions

Do you recommend these? They look great but also generic-ish if all they’re using is Open Banking data

I’ve been following their story for a while now. They’ve definitely upped the ante since they first launched their subscription service - it was pretty basic (and only in Euro’s which I’m still paying in :expressionless:)

For anyone else looking to offset and support new carbon technology, here’s the link

Good to see they’re trying to become a more environmentally sustainable retailer :raised_hands:


It is a little bit of a joke though considering they wrap all their vegetables in plastic when it is not needed (My biggest complaint with Aldi)

Yeah I guess some things are unnecessarily packaged, but they do also have the reusable fruit and veg bags which I haven’t seen in any of the smaller Tesco/ Sainsbury/ M&S shops in London!