Eat Out To Help Out Scheme

Who’s looking forward to the Eat Out To Help Out scheme launching next week?

Do you think you’ll take advantage of the 50% off discount? If you do, which restaurant will you be visiting first??

We’ve written about it here and have included links to all the restaurants involved in the scheme!

Absolutely not, the government hell bent on prioritising kick starting the economy instead of focusing on health, with an average death toll of 100-110 it doesn’t appeal to me :thinking:

Certainly will take advantage.

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Mmmmm Honest Burgers! When they did their collab with Mother Clucker :drooling_face:

9.45 am and now I want a burger hahah

Also, great photography! Was that taken on your phone?

Didn’t even think about this!

If you don’t have a good enough phone, you can’t eat here :joy:

How was it overall though? Did it feel safe/ socially distanced enough?

Hmmm not great then!

Suppose it’s good to get into the habit of taking your own wipes, sanitiser etc

I moved back to London this weekend and the first place we went was Beigel Bake on Brick Line - was probably safer eating outside on a curb, than inside some of the restaurants :joy:

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@jase - I went! And it was goooood! (need to work on my food photography skills though :joy:)

The one in Spitalfields :blush:

I got the Steak Frites burger and a little halfy of the burger beer - also think it’s just ok, quite watery I thought haha?

Need to try this too!

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It’s a good scheme but dig deep into it and aren’t we really paying for it - our taxes?