We’re working on a new feature that’ll help you identify if your phone and email address has been breached/ stolen and what data was involved
We think it’s going to be pretty cool as it’ll help our users know if they need to manage their passwords or change their email address, and is just one more way we can help people become more financially secure
What do you think? Is this a feature you could see yourself using?
Don’t mean to be rude but what’s that got to do with money management? I think you’re really stretching it here.
At least if you wanted to do something useful you could expand bills tracking a la Onedox which used to be great - and you already have a good part of the data.
Do a bit of google-fu, there’s still decent information around e.g. here.
Basically a digital household admin, taking care of all bills (documents, renewals, offers etc). It was a very well executed service connecting to a surprisingly large number of providers (much like lots of players in your space). They just weren’t able to monetise, apparently (much like lots of players in your space).
There’s no open banking equivalent for utility companies and subscription services so Onedox and similar services probably spent lot of time faffing about with maintaining the connections and the accuracy of their data scraping in the face of variable interfaces. I certainly encountered a couple of persistently broken connections when I tried them.