Cleaning up the layout for bigger screens can definitely be improved as we go, thanks for the feedback!
Not yet I’m afraid sorry. Once there’s any movement I’ll be sure to let you know!
Hope the weather over in Spain is a little warmer than it is here D:
Minor improvement request: it’d be nice if, when you’re entering notes on a transaction, pressing CTRL + Enter caused a click on the Save button. This is a very common feature on lots of other web apps.
Thanks for the suggestion. Looks easy enough add so I will pass onto the team
Any idea of when spaces will be coming to the desktop version? I am enjoying being able to access via desktop when needed but annoying that I can’t access my other spaces. Also, when will bulk editing be coming to desktop via the search/filter transaction functionality?
Hi @Luke,
we have slowed down with the development of the desktop version a bit since there have been other priorities; however, I think, with the new year, we should be able to finish it all and bring spaces + multi+editing there.
Are we able to add manual transactions via the desktop version?
Not at this stage; as you might have seen from our socials we are investing a lot on hiring frontend engineers lately, so we can accelerate this development too.
Our jobs are here:
I just wanted to let you know Spaces is now available on the Emma Web.
Any updates on this? This is very much needed
Yes, we have an engineer building it; I hope we can release next week.
Thank you!
The offline accounts / transactions are ready to go; I was testing it yesterday! There is a small bug which I believe the team can sort on Monday morning.
Just to let you know - these are fully out, I forgot to post here