Co-operative Bank

Also very eagerly awaiting this integration - as more and more people switch to ethical banking, it’s really important that Emma support this integration please :slight_smile:

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We’re just as excited for this integration, and your support means a lot. Thanks! :blush:

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We should have this in production and available on the 14th of February.



Does that mean Smile will be available on the same day?

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Yes, it will be.

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Thanks, that’s great! :slight_smile:

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@edoardomoreni Is this integration (and Smile’s) still going live today?

I have checked again with the team and it seems they are changing all the endpoints of their API on the 21st of February, so we are holding off before releasing. It should still come out this month.

As I said, we have no problem in adding it.


Thanks for the update!

It’s rather annoying that Co-op are making breaking changes to their own API so soon after launching it, but never mind.

I see now that a delay makes sense. I will keep waiting patiently! :slight_smile:

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We just didn’t want to release to then change everything. :sweat:

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Yes, it’s logical to wait.

But Co-op have already dragged their feet for years on doing an API, so now to launch the API and then immediately break it is quite funny. It’s not your fault though!

Completely sensible and logical to hold off.


Frustrating, but the finish line is in sight.


Let’s go!!

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Did the new API endpoints go live yesterday as planned, and are Emma now able to test them?

Fingers-crossed that everything is on track for a launch soon!

work in progress! We will be back with the news ASAP :grin:

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Cool, that sounds promising! :grinning:

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We are waiting for the production keys. :grimacing:

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I’ve just had an email from coop bank about open banking and new ‘digital’ features live

I can see open banking settings are now available in the app

Does that mean they’ve finally released the APIs and Emma can now connect?

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I wonder if this might mean they aren’t quite ready to go and need to make some final platform updates before they put production keys out?