Chip Bank integration with Emma?

Hi, will Chip Bank soon be available to integrate with Emma?

Chip disabled their API some time ago.

You’ll need to convince Chip to release (re-release) an API first

Their tech is so bad that they don’t even know how to build it.

Chip now uses Open Banking. I have seen it working with a link to a Santander account. So it should be possible to add a Chip integration now.

This doesn’t mean they offer an integration; they just say they use Open Banking as part of their services. :confused:

Oh :slightly_frowning_face: so they’re still not willing to integrate with Emma?

They don’t offer a way to integrate. :frowning:

For what it’s worth I will request that they integrate with you to their customer support. Thanks for your speedy replies.

No problem - thanks for nudging them!

Didn’t we used to have a connection with Chip a while back?

I’m sure we even had a member from their community on here.

Yes, they had an API which they have unfortunately deprecated.

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