Business Update


Apologies if this is elsewhere on here (couldn’t find it unless it’s the roadmap topic?) but is there an update on how the business is doing and if we are on track to meet certain financial and growth expectations?

Since I became an investor last August I don’t recall having any investor updates or I’m not on the mailing list

Thanks in advance :blush:


Hey @RSK,

thanks for reaching out.

We have sent a couple of updates via email and on the Crowdcube forum.

We are going to send another one in April and June.

These are busy months and lots is getting done in the background. :wink:


Hi @edoardomoreni

Thanks for your reply, looking forward to what the future brings for Emma!

The product is great, I use both Emma and Plum and I feel we have something special at Emma that has the potential to be the product of choice over our competitors.

Keep up the great work!

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