Budgeting by Tag

Could we consider budgeting by tag for those once-off events or things where we don’t need or want to lose the category of spend?

E.g. my tag is #day-out-with-kids. I budget like £100 and then log all expenses as per usual but tag as above.

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Hey @jakes,

thanks for the suggestion!

Have you checked custom categories? You can do a similar thing.

This is a great suggestion! I’m sure alot of people have one off categories like that and would benefit from being able to tag them as such!

Yes I use them a lot. But my point is that it would be good to be able to combine the functionality. E.g. if I go on holiday, I’d create a tag to group all my Holiday related spend together. I’d still categorise the spend as Eating Out or Transport since I want that breakdown. I can tag each transaction to get that overall spend by Tag and category retrospectively.

But say I want to set a budget for that one holiday. If I am able to set a budget by tag, I can check budget against multiple perspectives.

I wouldn’t want my list of categories to be clogged up by loads of Holiday-Greece22 or WorkExpense-Munich23 type custom categories that will never be used again

right so you want these functions to be seperate from more normal reoccurring spend? Definitely something work looking into on our end!

Sorry for delay in replying but yes seperate.

I’d go a step further and also then ask for the ability to automatically set aside some money each pay cycle based on a predefined period so that I can build up a pot or budget for the tag or for a transaction that might come in quarterly or annually.

So to phrase it differently, I’d like the ability to pick either a recurring transaction or a tag based budget item and then configure an automatic setting aside of a portion of that transaction cost or budget into a pot so I can use it later.

E.g. if I have my annual National Trust subscription that costs £120 then I’d like to reuse the recurrence set on the transaction to automatically section off £10 per month off my monthly pay cycle.

If I have a tag based budget set for a holiday in 12 months and I want a spending pot of £1200 then I’d want it to hive off £10 per month into a pot.

Bonus if the pot earns interest…