Amazon Prime Day

Fun Amazon Prime day questions:

Did anyone get a good deal? What did you buy? I went online and then told myself no. :rofl:

What is the weirdest deal you’ve seen today? Not weird but fun - a hot tub, I have always wanted one but I don’t have a private garden :cry:

What is the last thing you bought on Amazon? Boring - coat hangers :dress:


Unfortuantely for me, but luckily for my bank account I’m awaiting the delivery of my new card and have therefore not bought anything. I’ll move into a new apartment in a few weeks so I’ll need that money then.

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Stop flexing your Platinum AmEx :joy::joy::joy:


Oh, didn’t get anything today. I did have a look but nothing really inspired me. I will look again tomorrow… I had a look at our offers and got some buckets for a pound each. This I am going to fill with compost for a tomato plants I have been growing for our lady staff. The plants I grew from a tomato I bought in a rival Supermarket. Then the girls can grow their own tomatoes!!
The last bargain I got and am chuffed with is my new crossbody bag. £7 50 in Asda. I love man bags!


My mum and dad are growing loads of things at the moment!

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Same! I thought it was a disappointing selection tbh. I bought a Kindle but I’ve been wanting that for a few months and just waited as I knew it would be discounted. But other than that - nothing jumped out, no impulse buys.

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I almost find amazon a bit overwhelming now unless I am searching for something specific. Black Friday was the same - really disappointing. You click on a tab that says they have deals on trainers and they have discounts on two pairs of trainers that no one wants. Feel like it’s just a scam to hype people up.

I also read somewhere or someone was telling me that they constantly change the price of things, similar to when you buy flights. Does anyone know if this is true?

Yes, it is - they use dynamic pricing. However is super-useful - it tracks every price change so before you buy anything on Amazon, you can check on there to see whether it’s really a good deal :slight_smile:


Here’s an example - price history of the Echo Dot:

I think this is true = I do work in a store and while food is pretty static other items do go up and down. Some times I think hq get the prices wrong so there are good bargains and the last item always goes very cheaply. All the staff know this = so you have to be quick to out do them and grab a bargain!!

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This is so useful, thanks for sharing! Will definitely use this before buying in future :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Just in case anyone is looking to make any purchases over the last remaining hours.

I used the following link to earn an additional £8 spending credit (after topping up your Gift Card Balance with £80).


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Thanks @grant.m!

I used the three camels for ages and it’s been a super useful website for me, especially when you set up alerts on products you’re waiting to drop. However, I recently started using over camels because Keepa tracks daily deals/lightning sales which camel doesn’t, can be extra handy for checking the ‘true’ lowest price an item has ever been… :slight_smile:


interesting! how do the alerts work? Do they send you emails?

Yep - just create an account, and them from there you can copy the URL of any product and select the price at which you want to be notified (you can select different prices for new vs used items), and then they send you an email when it hits that threshold! They also have browser extensions which are great for displaying the full price history of every product on Amazon so you can tell when a deal is actually a deal!

Both Camels and Keepa are excellent, and I prefer the layout of Camels, but the fact that Keepa tracks lightning deals is massively advantageous - well worth signing up for! I’ve had a few products on my wants lists and sometimes waited 6-12 months but then snapped up a bargain eventually!

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Good tip, thanks! I did notice that camelcamelcamel didn’t track the Prime deals, which surprised me.