Yonder Integration

Hi there,

Please can you integrate with the new Yonder Mastercard?

Thanks in advance!


Yes please - adding my voice for yonder as well!:slight_smile:


Another Yonder integration request pls :pray:

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@edoardomoreni do you know if they have built an api? The benefits are great - roughly 2.5% Cashback on dining but their app is a joke

I don’t think so - they got in touch ages ago.

Does Yonder’s integration with yapily not enable this?

No, Yapily and Yonder are two different things. :slight_smile:

Hello +1 on this one please

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@edoardomoreni Recently Yonder partnered with GoCardless. Is there any hope of integrating Yonder, or they still need to explicitly implement Open Banking APIs themselves?

Yes, they don’t have an interest; but have some legal obligations to have some sort of functioning API.

We have already asked.

I have some news - they might have an API soon; we are waiting for them.


Excited for this!

Yonder is one of the fastest growing credit cards in London with 20k users. It’s taking over amex for Gen Z + millennials. Would you be able to add it? Thanks

As soon as we have an update from them regarding the api we will let everyone know!


Yonder’s CEO has confirmed to me they might have an API soon; it’s really up to them at this point, we are waiting.

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Another vote here it’s the only thing stopping me subscribing to Emma

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The only thing that’s stopping me from using Yonder lol

@Emmapartington @trofushka the moment we get another update we will post here :slight_smile:

Long-time viewer, first-time poster, in this thread :wave:

I’m extremely keen to use Emma again (I stopped when I first moved to Yonder, as it wasn’t useful without access to my Yonder spending). I messaged Yonder’s customer support team this morning and got the following message:

“I am happy to let you know that this is something the team are aware of and looking to possibly bring into Yonder. Unfortunately I do not have an expected timeframe of when this is due to be released however I am aware that the team have been looking to bring this in.”

This is, of course, extremely non-committal :sweat:

I’ve gone back to say that there are 885 views on this thread (and linked them to it) and asked for a ballpark estimate (1 month vs 3 months vs 1 year) for delivering this.

I really want to use Emma again, as it was very useful for me previously. If there is anything else that you feel we can do to get this moving, please let me know!

It is currently being worked on as we speak. I cannot give an exact timeline but it should be coming soon :slight_smile:

The moment we have a date I will let everyone know!